Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Committee Room One, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL

Contact: Cheryl Hall  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs A M Newton.


Declarations of Councillors' Interests


There were no declarations of interests made at this point in the proceedings.


Announcements by the Leader, Executive Councillors and Executive Directors


The Executive Councillor for Community Safety and People Management advised that the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel at its meeting on 19 December 2016 had appointed Mr B Skelly to the role of Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable, as recommended by the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner.  Mr Skelly would take up the position from February 2017.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 1 November 2016 pdf icon PDF 136 KB




That the minutes of the Executive held on 1 November 2016 be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Council Budget 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 307 KB

(To receive a report from the Executive Director of Finance and Public Protection, which seeks approval of the budget proposals, as described in the report, as its preferred option for the purposes of further consultation)

Additional documents:


That the Executive:


(1)  agree the budget proposals, as described in the report, as its preferred option for the purposes of further consultation; and


(2)  delegate authority to the Leader to review the Council's participation in a business rates pooling arrangement with six of the Lincolnshire District Council's (Boston Borough, City of Lincoln, East Lindsey, North Kesteven, South Kesteven and West Lindsey) in light of the Provisional Local Government Settlement and notify the Government four weeks after the notification of the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement.


Consideration was given to a report from the Executive Director of Finance and Public Protection, which sought approval of the budget proposals for 2017/18, as detailed within the report, as the preferred option for the purposes of further consultation.   Additional information was tabled at the meeting, which covered an update to the Council Budget 2017/18; the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee budget workshop comments; and comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee on the financial standing of the County Council.


The County Finance Officer introduced the report to the Executive and in doing so, advised Members that the report described the basis on which the proposals had been developed for the purposes of internal and external consultation.  The Executive was also asked to delegate authority to the Leader to review the Council's participation in a business rates pooling arrangement with six of the Lincolnshire District Council's (Boston Borough; City of Lincoln; East Lindsey; North Kesteven, South Kesteven and West Lindsey) in light of the Provisional Local Government Settlement and notify the Government four weeks after the notification of the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement.  


The report set out a one-year financial plan for revenue and capital budgets.  It was noted that for the third year running the Council was only able to set a one-year budget.  Members were advised that this was due to the continued significant reduction in government funding, growing cost pressures from demand-led services, such as adult and children's social care, waste disposal and the Council's responsibility to pay staff and contractors the National Living Wage.  The pressures faced by the Council meant that it was not practicable, at present, to develop sustainable long-term financial plans beyond the next 12 months.


All areas of service expenditure had been reviewed to identify cost pressures which must be funded and savings which could be made, through efficiencies and by reducing the level of services provided.  The Council remained aware of its high priority areas, but no service had been exempted from helping the Council to deliver its savings target.  The high priority areas were detailed on page 12 of the report.


On an annual basis the County Council had the opportunity to review the level of Council Tax.  It was noted that central government set thresholds, above which a local authority would be required to hold a referendum for council tax increases.  For 2017/18 it was proposed that this threshold would be 2.00%, plus a further 2.00% for authorities with Adult Social Care responsibilities to deal with pressures in this area including demographic pressures and the impact of the national living wage.  It was advised that a council tax increase of 3.95% (1.95% plus a further 2.00% for the social care 'precept') was proposed.


In developing the one-year financial plan for 2016/17 the Council had considered all areas of current spending, levels of income and council tax and use of one-off funding (including use of reserves and capital receipts) to set a balanced budget. 


The Chairman  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Council Business Plan 2016/2017 Performance Report, Quarter Two pdf icon PDF 64 KB

(To receive a report from the Chief Executive, which presents an overview of performance for Quarter 2 against the Council Business Plan)

Additional documents:


(1)  That the Quarter 2 performance 2016/2017 be noted.


(2)  That the proposed changes to reporting, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be approved.


(3)  That the proposals for presenting historical performance trends, as set out in Appendix B to the report, be noted.


A report from the Chief Executive was considered, which presented an overview of performance for Quarter 2 against the Council Business Plan.


The Performance and Equalities Manager reminded the Executive that performance data could be viewed on the web in a secure area on the Lincolnshire Research Observatory. 


It was reported overall that out of the 15 commissioning strategies reported in Quarter 2, eight had performed really well; five had performed well; and two had mixed performance. 


Members were reminded that targets for 2016/2017 which had been published in the Council Business Plan in February 2016, were informed by the latest available performance information at the time of writing the plan (2015/2016 Quarter 2), with the following caveats: -


(i) The targets were subject to change to reflect: -


·         2015/2016 outturns;

·         Changes in the wider economy;

·         Nature of demand; and

·         Consequences of any service reductions.


(ii) The Council Business Plan would be reviewed as part of quarterly performance reporting with any proposed changes to reporting agreed by the Executive.


Members were advised that the relevant Executive Councillors had been consulted and recommendations for proposed changes to reporting were set out in Appendix A of the report.


In response to a question, Members were assured that the overall performance of the library service was as per the contract performance indicators, as detailed within the contract with Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL).  Further to this it was noted that the total number of interactions and the number of people visiting libraries had increased since GLL was awarded the contract.  It was suggested that this was something that should be publicised.


It was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee had considered a report on the Quarter 2 performance against the Council Business Plan 2016/2017 at its meeting on 24 November 2016.  It was also noted that the Committee had welcomed the report and had no additional comments to pass to the Executive.




(1)  That the Quarter 2 performance 2016/2017 be noted.


(2)  That the proposed changes to reporting, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be approved.


(3)  That the proposals for presenting historical performance trends, as set out in Appendix B to the report, be noted.



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