Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL. View directions

Contact: Rachel Wilson  Democratic Services Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Andrew Crookham, Executive Director - Resources, and Heather Sandy, Executive Director for Children’s Services.


Declarations of Councillors' Interests


There were no declarations of interest at this point in the meeting.


Announcements by the Leader, Executive Councillors and Executive Directors


Councillor M J Hill OBE, Leader of the Council and Executive councillor for Resources, Communications and Commissioning reported that following the recent local government elections, conversations and discussions regarding a potential devolution deal for Greater Lincolnshire had now re-commenced at an officer level to ascertain if there was a deal which could be agreed and consulted upon later in 2023 with a potential mayoral election taking place in May 2025. 


The Chief Executive reported on the proposals for RAF Scampton, and advised that the County Council was in discussions with the government regarding the use of RAF Scampton as a large site for asylum seekers.  It was confirmed that the centre would be used to house healthy male asylum seekers, with an expectation of around 2,000 people housed on site at any time, however a throughput of around 5,000 over a 12 month period was expected.  Weekly meetings were being held with the Home Office where discussions were continuing around funding challenges, community needs, security issues and support for those that claimed to be under 18 years of age. 


In terms of timelines, it was expected that the first cohort would be arriving at RAF Scampton around the autumn time.  However, this had not been confirmed.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 3 May 2023 pdf icon PDF 155 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 May 2023 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Procurement of Active Recovery Beds 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 172 KB

(To receive a report by the Executive Director – Adult Care and Community Wellbeing which seeks approval from the Executive to award contracts to multiple providers for a county-wide Active Recovery Beds service for a period of nine months, commencing on 1 July 2023)


1.    That the award of contracts to multiple providers for a county-wide Active Recovery Beds service for a period of nine months, be approved,  commencing on 1 July 2023 and ending on 31 March 2024 in line with funding provision for the service.


2.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Care and Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Adult Care and Public Health, to determine the final form of the contracts and entering into of the contracts and other legal documentation necessary to give effect to the above decision.


The Executive Councillor for Adult Care and Public Health introduced a report which invited the Executive to consider approving the procurement of Active Recovery Beds which were a joint initiative between Health and Social Care and provided opportunities of a therapy-focused programme for patients who were medically fit for discharge from hospitals but were not yet ready to return to their own homes.  The service was commissioned on behalf of the system by LCC and started as a pilot in December 2022.  Initial funding ended on 31 March 2023, and further funding had now been finalised for the service to continue through to 31 March 2024.


The Executive Director for Adult Care and Community Wellbeing reminded members that in November/December 2022 the NHS had experienced significant pressures including ambulances waiting at hospitals.  In early December 2022 the government announced additional funding would be made available to support the work around discharge of patients, and one thing that Lincolnshire agreed to invest in was active recovery beds. 


The Chairman of the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee was in attendance via Microsoft Teams and presented the comments of the Committee held on 24 May 2023.  The Committee had considered the report in detail and fully supported the recommendations contained within the report.  The Scrutiny Committee looked at the usage and were pleased to see that there was flexibility to keep up with surges for demand in the system.  The Committee acknowledged the benefits of this service in minimising reliance on long term funded care, and the focus on supporting those with complex needs to enable them to live at home with a reduced package of care.  It was reported that the Committee fully supported the recommendations within the report and welcomed this approach and also hoped that the service would continue to build on the success it had already had.  This had been a great achievement and success.


During discussion by the Executive, the following was noted:


·       It was queried whether 40 beds was the right number for the Service, and officers advised that currently there were around 2-3 beds remaining per day, but it was also noted that these bed were available to community healthcare as well as being used for hospital discharge.  However, it was noted that this may be different in winter and additional beds may be needed. 

·       The Executive were advised that there was a very robust process for everyone that was allocated one of these beds, to ensure that they were being used by the right people and they could show a level of progression.

·       It was noted that there was a period of recovery that made the difference in achieving successful outcomes.  For those patients who did not have successful outcomes, it was likely that their needs would have changed or they may have become ill again.  There was a success rate of approximately two-thirds of people that were allocated an active recovery bed.

·       It was queried whether there was any evidence on how long  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


A16/A151 Springfields and A16/B1180 Greencell Roundabouts Improvement Schemes pdf icon PDF 486 KB

(To receive a report by the Executive Director – Place, which seeks approval from the Executive for the carrying out of the A16/A151 Springfields Roundabout and A16/B1180 Greencell improvements schemes in Spalding as part of the Levelling Up (LUF) A16 Corridor Improvement)

Additional documents:


1.    That the Scheme business case appraisal for the two projects be approved;


2.    That the Council progress with the A16/A151 Springfields and A16/B1180 Greencell Roundabout improvements schemes as described in the main body of the report.


3.    That the award and entering into of a contract for the construction of the schemes be approved in principle.


4.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT, to take all decisions necessary to progress the scheme to include the detailed terms, award and entering of any contract or other documentation necessary to ensure the construction of the scheme.


The Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT introduced a report which sought approval for the carrying out of the A16/A151 Springfields Roundabout and A16/B1180 Greencell improvements schemes in Spalding as part of the Levelling Up (LUF) A16 Corridor Improvement.  He commented that these schemes were really good news and were a continuation of the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) scheme and would involve a £22million investment to upgrade the roundabouts.


It was note that the A16 was an important industrial corridor and was used by a lot of lorries and HGV’s.  these two areas had been identified as pinch points.  Traffic management would be in place whilst the works were ongoing.


The only issues were around sustainable transport (cycling and walking) across the Springfields roundabout.  It was highlighted that the team had looked at this intensively, but there was limited space to include a footbridge.


The Executive Director – Place highlighted that the two roundabout schemes would improve the flow of traffic and was a cost-effective way of making a difference.  It was noted that discussions had taken place with businesses regarding the works and the issues which may be experienced.


The Head of Highways Infrastructure and Laboratory Services guided members through the report and highlighted that these two schemes were the next ones scheduled to start.  It was expected that the Springfields scheme would commence in September/October 2023, with the Greencell scheme commencing in July 2024.  It was highlighted that there would be a three month period when both schemes will be on site at the same time.  From a cost perspective, early budget estimates suggested that costs would be well within the budget allowance for the schemes.


The traffic management plans were outlined to the Executive, and it was highlighted that there would be lane closures, and there may be a need for some localised road closures, although it was emphasised that these would be during the night, and the A16 itself would not be closed.  It was noted that engagement had taken place with many local businesses and haulage associations, and any impacts would be mitigated as much as possible.


The Chairman of the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee was in attendance to present the comments of the Committee following its consideration of the report at its meeting on 22 May 2023.  The Committee had considered the report in detail and unanimously supported the recommendations to the Executive.  The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee highlighted that members had been contacted by the Spalding Cycling Access Group which had raised concerns about road safety and requested a cycle/walking route to be included.  Officers had explained that there would be extreme engineering challenges to including a footbridge, as well as the cost of providing this being prohibitive.  It was also emphasised that existing crossing points would be enhanced.  Assurance was given that there was a thorough road safety process in place.


During discussion by the Executive, the following was noted:


·       It was queried whether, in the future and subject  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



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