Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room One, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL

Contact: Catherine Wilman  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence/Replacement Councillors


An apology for absence was received from Councillor R J Phillips.


Declaration of Members' Interests


No declarations of members' interest were made at this stage of the proceedings.


Minutes of the Previous meeting of the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee held on 2 November 2016 pdf icon PDF 135 KB




That the minutes of the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee held on 2 November 2016, be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of Councillors N H Pepper (Executive Support Councillor Culture and Emergency Services and C N Worth (Executive Councillor Culture and Emergency Services) being added to the list of Councillors in attendance.


Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman welcomed Daryl Pearce, County Officer Public Protection to the meeting and advised the Committee of the following matters:-


·         Domestic Abuse Group – It was noted that Councillor R Wootten would be the Committee's representative on the Domestic Abuse Group;

·         The Chairman extended congratulations to Nick Borrill and Mick Green, on their appointments to Chief Fire Officer and Deputy Chief Fire Officer; and

·         The Committee was advised that 'Exercise Grey Seal' had recently taken place in Mablethorpe.  The Committee was advised that the 'Exercise' had been a great success.  The Committee was advised that the Chairman would be writing a letter of thanks to former Mablethorpe County Councillor Mrs A E Reynolds for her contribution to the Committee over the last few years.


Update from Executive Councillors and Chief Operating Officers


The Committee received an update from the Executive Councillor Culture and Emergency Services, which also extended congratulations to Nick Borrill and Mick Green on their appointments as Chief Fire Officer and Deputy Chief Fire Officer.  Reference was also made to how realistic Exercise Grey Seal was and thanks was extended to all those who had taken part.


The member with caretaker responsibility for Mablethorpe also extended thanks to everyone who had attended the 'Exercise' as it had been a very interesting day, and one that former Mablethorpe County Councillor Mrs A E Reynolds would have been proud of.


Fire and Rescue - The retained duty system (RDS): National context and local action pdf icon PDF 105 KB

(A report by Nick Borrill, Chief Fire Officer, in connection with the outcome of the Chief Fire Officer's national working party on the recruitment and retention of Retained Firefighters)


Consideration was given to a report from Nick Borrill, Chief Fire Officer, which provided the Committee with a summary of the content of the Chief Fire Officers Association Retained Duty System (RDS) National Working Group report concerning the challenges for recruitment and retention in the Fire and Rescue Retained (on call) Sector.  The report also explained how Lincolnshire was continuing to address the challenges; and highlighted that local action alone could not resolve all the issues; and that nationally the Home Office also had a role to play by formulating a national strategy to increase the understanding and value of RDS and removing barriers for employers and prospective recruits.


During discussion, the Committee raised the following points:-


·         That the Long Service and Good Conduct Awards Ceremony evening held on 10 November 2016, had been a most enjoyable event;

·         Whether the Blue Light Collaboration Project had helped with recruitment.  It was noted that there had been a link to co-responders; and that there had been an increase in the number of RDS firefighters taking this up;

·         Some concern was expressed to the problems associated with recruiting; and the availability of potential candidates in areas of need;

·         One member highlighted that there was a perception that retained firefighters were volunteers; and as such received no monetary reward, which obviously was not the case.  Therefore terminology was very important when advertising for retained firefighters;

·         It was also highlighted that that some ex-retained firefighters had indicated that they felt that the present scheme was unfair, particular reference was made to the fact that if they were slightly late to the fire station, the appliance would have already left.  The Committee noted that appliances needed to be set off within five minutes of the call.  It was further highlighted that some stations had opted for a rota system; this however was not across the board; as some personnel wanted to attend every call.  The Committee noted further that if personal at a retained station wanted to use a rota system; a request would be considered;

·         The Committee was advised that there was no age restriction in becoming a retained firefighter, as long as the expected criteria was met;

·         A question was asked as to whether it was felt that the existing training was too onerous.  Work stream 2 as detailed in the report advised the Committee as to what was planned with regard to training and development.  Particular reference was made to the fact that training needed to be more flexible to meet the needs of the individual and employee where appropriate.  It was noted that currently a bespoke training course was being delivered for employees of Rase Warehousing in Bardney; to ensure that the least impact possible was had on the business;

·         Stringent medicals – The Committee noted that there had to be balance to maintain standards and to mitigate risk;

·         The Committee was advised that it was the employees responsibility to speak to their employer; however, this was a very pertinent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Citizen's Advice Lincolnshire pdf icon PDF 98 KB

(A report by Nicole Hilton, Community Assets and Resilience Commissioning Manager, in connection with a report on Citizens Advice Lincolnshire which is due to be considered by the Executive on 4 January 2017.  The views of the Committee will be reported to the Executive as part of its consideration of this item)

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report from Nicole Hilton, Community Assets and Resilience Commissioning Manager, which invited the Committee to consider and comment on a report which was due to be considered by the Executive at its meeting on 4 January 2017.  The report sought approval from the Executive for the continued award of grant funding to Citizens Advice Lincolnshire.


The Executive Councillor for NHS Liaison and Community Engagement introduced this item; and advised that this was a good news story for the Council.


A discussion ensued, from which the Committee raised the following points:-


·         Support was expressed for the Citizens Advice Bureaus (CAB) service, as it provided invaluable financial advice; and help to individuals claiming benefits;

·         It was highlighted that there needed to be office space, or access points available for use by Citizens Advice in community library hubs, to help the CAB to be better placed to support local communities;

·         Some concern was expressed to the proposed channel shift to an increased number of online services, and it was stressed that there still needed to be face to face services whenever possible.  This was because the more vulnerable residents, including older people, or those on low incomes were often the ones who did not have computer access.  The Committee stressed that there needed to be a wide range of access methods to the service as practically possible;

·         A suggestion was made to the County Council working with district councils to look into providing accommodation to the CAB at a peppercorn rent; or payment in kind;

·         Some members expressed a desire for the Citizens Advice Service to offer meetings with County Councillors to discuss local issues and promote wider engagement with local communities; and

·         The Committee enquired about the level of demand on the Citizens Advice Bureaux service, and whether the level of grant funding was sufficient to provide an effective service given the increasing demand on Citizens Advice Lincolnshire.  It was highlighted that the current two year Grant Funding had been providing funds of £684,594 per annum to enable delivery of such support; and that funding had been identified from within the service area to enable the continuation of grant funding at the same level for a further two years up to 2018/19.


In conclusion, the Committee unanimously supported the recommendations as detailed in the report and reiterated the need to ensure that face to face contact remained; and that further help with accommodation for the CAB should be investigated.




That the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee unanimously supported the recommendations contained within the Executive report as detailed at Appendix A to the report presented and agreed that the comments as detailed above be forwarded on to the Executive.


Lincolnshire Community Assistance Scheme

(To receive a verbal update from Nicole Hilton, Community Assets and Resilience Commissioning Manager, in connection with with the Lincolnshire Community Assistance Scheme (LCAS).The scheme was designed to replace the Government provided Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants through the Welfare Assistance Fund (WAF).  The Council has not received any funding to deliver the scheme since April 2016. However, prudent management of the grant including; reviewing the eligibility criteria and identification of cost savings on administration enabled the scheme to be delivered until October 2016. An update on the current position will be provided at the meeting)


The Committee received a verbal update from Nicole Hilton, Community Assets and Resilience Commissioning Manager concerning the Lincolnshire Community Assistance Scheme (LCAS).


The Committee was advised that in 2013, the County Council had received a specific ring fenced grant of £3.5 million from Central Government to deliver the LCAS over a two year period.  It was reported that the scheme had been designed to replace the Government provided Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants through the Welfare Assistance Fund (WAF).  It was highlighted that initially there had been no indication that the grant was time limited, and that the Local Government Finance Settlement report for 2015/16 stated that WAF would not be renewed for April 2015.  The decision was then overturned after a successful judicial Review, after which the Council had received a non ring-fenced budget of £912,500,00.  It was noted that no further funds had been received to deliver the scheme since April 2016.


The Committee noted that prudent management of the grant had enabled the scheme to be delivered until October 2016.


The Scheme delivered through contracts with Learning Communities and Citizens Advice Bureau Lincolnshire had demonstrated significant success, and had provided immediate and long term support to people who were going through times of crisis, when no other options were available to them.


The Committee was advised that going forward support would remain through Citizen Advice Bureau and Learning Communities, both of whom would continue to deliver support and advice to individuals and communities.  There would also be other support available to individuals, such as Children in Need Fund, Rough Sleepers Initiative, Lincs2Advice and the Department of Work and Pensions who would continue to have a central role.


During discussion, the Committee made reference to the following points:-


·         Some members expressed concerns regarding continuity and countywide provision.  Officers reassured that equivalent organisations were still in existence to provide help and assistance, and confirmation was given that DWP, still had a role for financial support to those that needed it most.  It was highlighted that response for assistance going forward might not be so promptly actioned to meet the needs of those in crisis, as it was when being administered by the Council;

·         Congratulations were extended to officers for a job well done, as a lot had been achieved from a relatively small budget; and

·         One member enquired as to whether the Council knew what services were available in the County to those in most need.  Some members felt that this was something elected members needed to make themselves aware of in their own patch, to help them sign post residents in the right direction.



That the verbal update concerning the Lincolnshire Community Assistance Scheme be noted.


Quarter 2 Performance - 1 July to 30 September 2016 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

(To receive a report by Daryl Pearce, County Public Protection; Nicole Hilton, Community Assets and Resilience Commissioning Manager; Robin Bellamy, Assistant Director Public Health Commissioning and Nick Borrill, Chief Fire Officer, in connection with performance statistics in Quarter 2 (1 July to 30 September 2016))


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report that provided key performance information relevant to the work of the Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee. 


During consideration of Appendix A to the report, officer's present made particular reference to indicators as detailed below, and members of the Committee highlighted the following issues:-


·         Primary fires (Page 67) – The Committee noted that this target was improving, but had not yet achieved its target.  It was highlighted that there would be a continued reduction in primary fires as the year progressed;

·         Fire fatalities (Page 69) – It was highlighted that this had not changed since the last quarter; and that there had been a positive reduction in the same period in the previous year;

·         Illicit alcohol and tobacco products seized (Page 31) – It was reported that the number of products seized was slightly behind target, but officers were still awaiting final figures from seizures from a joint operation with HM Revenue and Customs at the end of September 2016, which would put the figures back on target;

·         Unsafe and counterfeit goods removed from market (Page 33) – The Committee noted that this was a success story.  It was noted further that the majority of counterfeit goods removed had been from the Eastgate Market in Ingoldmells.  It was noted that officers were working with the owners to reduce the amount of counterfeit goods.  One member enquired whether the market had signed up to the market scheme 'Real Deal'  It was noted further that at present the market did not meet the 'Real Deal Standard';

·         High risk premises inspected by Trading Standards (Page 35) – This indicator had achieved its target.  It was noted that due to harvest time, feed and animal health inspections had been restricted in quarter 2;

·         Alcohol related anti-social behaviour incidents (Page 37) – It was noted that Alcohol related anti-social incidents were lower this quarter than the same quarter in the previous year;

·         Alcohol related violent crime incidents (Page 39) – The Committee was advised that alcohol related violent crime was 13.5% lower this quarter that the same quarter in the previous year;

·         Reported incidents of domestic abuse (Page 41) – It was reported that the number of reported incidents of domestic abuse in quarter two was 4.5% higher that recorded in quarter 2 of the previous year.  It was noted that there was more joint working to do, with public health, GP surgeries and A & E.  One member enquired as to how the police dealt with repeat offenders, and how were the police encouraging foreign nationals to report.  It was highlighted that work was ongoing to increase the number of inspections and that this would be included in the strategy, and that a cohort of repeat offenders was to be included in the rehabilitation programme.  The Committee was advised that lots of work was ongoing in Boston and Spalding with foreign nationals concerning domestic abuse;

·         Repeat victims of domestic abuse (Page 45) – It was highlighted that repeat  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


Community and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 111 KB

(To receive a report by Daniel Steel (Scrutiny Officer), which provides the Committee with an opportunity to review its programme of work for the coming months)


The Committee considered its programme of work for the coming months, and the Scrutiny Officer reminded members that the next meeting scheduled for the Committee on 25 January 2017 would be followed by a visit to Addaction.  The Scrutiny Officer asked members to confirm to him after the meeting, if they wished to attend the said visit.


The Committee was also advised that the 9 March 2017 meeting would be held at the Fire and Rescue Training Facility at Waddington.




That the work programme presented at Appendix A be received subject to a further report concerning the retained duty system being received at a future meeting.



Neighbourhood Policing Update pdf icon PDF 88 KB

(A report by Daryl Pearce, County Officer Public Protection, provides an update in relation to planned changes to Neighbourhood Policing across the County. This report is a follow up to an earlier briefing presented to scrutiny in January 2016)

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to the Lincolnshire Police Neighbourhood Policing Strategy 2016, presented by Daryl Pearce, County Officer Public Protection, which provided an update in relation to the planned changes to Neighbourhood Policing across the County


Members were advised that Lincolnshire Police was committed to delivering a policing service that was victim focussed, locally accountable and was effective at challenging and solving local issues of crime and ant-social behaviour.  Members were advised further that there was no new resource available, and as a result all departments had been realigned to tackle new emerging crimes.


Councillor R Wootten wished it to be noted that he was Vice-Chairman of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel, and Chairman of the Retired Police Officers Association.


During discussion, the Committee raised the following issues:-


·         The role of PCO's within the Community.  It was highlighted that there was a variance of support from PCO's across the County.  The County Officer Public Protection invited all members of the Committee to advise him of their personal experiences;

·         The role of neighbourhood panels, some members advised that the PCSO's hardly ever attended these meetings.  The County Officer Public Protection invited all members to forward their comments on to him;

·         One member felt that the strategy was not appropriate for what was needed in Lincolnshire.  It was felt that there were less resources available for keeping the residents of Lincolnshire safe; and the proposed structure confirmed that; and

·         A further member confirmed that he had received an excellent service initially, but over the last couple of years this had deteriorated, due to the pressure imposed on remaining police officers.




That the views of all members would be sought regarding the effectiveness of PCSO's within their local communities.



Original Text: