Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Executive.

Information about Executive

The Executive is currently made up of nine councillors, from the majority political group, and is chaired by the Leader of the Council.  Each Executive Councillor is allocated a particular area of responsibility (called a portfolio - these are shown in the Membership section.)


The Executive publishes, on the Council's website, a Forward Plan at least 28 clear days in advance of a 'key decision' being taken by the Executive, a Committee of the Executive, individual members of the Executive, officers or under joint arrangements.  A key decision is typically one that is likely to involve expenditure, or savings of more than £500,000 which would have a significant impact on people living or working in two or more electoral divisions of the local authority.


The Executive normally meet every month at 10.30am, in Committee Room One, at County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YL.  The Executive is responsible for the most important decisions affecting the Council.  It also makes recommendations to the Council regarding the budget and the policy framework.  The meetings are open to the public, unless otherwise stated.


The full terms of reference for the Executive are set out in Part 2 of the Council's Constitution. 



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