Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report

(To receive a report from Nigel West, Head of Democratic Services and Statutory Scrutiny Officer, which includes the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for the Board's consideration)


Consideration was given to a report by Nigel West, Head of Democratic Services and Statutory Scrutiny Officer which presented the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report.


At 12.30pm, the Rev P Johnson left the meeting and did not return.


The report outlined the work of the Overview and Scrutiny function over the last year and highlighted key areas of scrutiny for the year ahead.  The report was in draft form for approval by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board before the final version was presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting of the Council.


The key aims of scrutiny work within local councils were to:-

·       Provide healthy and constructive challenge;

·       Give voice to public concerns;

·       Support improvement in services; and

·       Provide an independent review.


A new Overview and Scrutiny committee structure and procedures had been implemented over the last year following a review undertaken by a Councillor working group.  One noticeable change had been the greater engagement of Executive councillors with scrutiny committees and also the attendance and input of the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board at meetings of the Executive.


Development of the Executive and Scrutiny Protocol, "Developing Effective Relationships Between the Executive and Scrutiny" had also helped to establish practical working arrangements between the Executive, scrutiny committees and the Council's senior management.


The report included updates from the following committees:-

·       Overview and Scrutiny Management Board;

·       Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee;

·       Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee;

·       Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee;

·       Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee;

·       Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire;

·       Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee;

·       Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny Committee;

·       Scrutiny Panels A and B;

·       Corporate Parenting Sub-Group; and

·       Lincolnshire Safeguarding Boards Scrutiny Sub-Group.


The Chairman thanked Councillors L A Cawrey and R Wootten for their work and support as Vice-Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.  Members confirmed that they thought the contents of the annual report reflected the work undertaken by the respective committees.


The Executive Councillor for Community Safety and People Management, Councillor B Young, advised that the representation by Councillor Parker at meetings of the Executive had been extremely helpful and, despite early concerns that the change in scrutiny may cause difficulties, this had, in fact been a clear success.


The added members of the Board confirmed that they felt involved in the meetings and were grateful for the welcome and inclusion.  Unfortunately, it appeared that not all email correspondence was reaching added members and it was agreed that this would be looked into further.


Councillor R L Foulkes asked that his thanks to Simon Evans (Health Scrutiny Officer) and Daniel Steel (Scrutiny Officer), for their support and help with the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, be formally recorded.


The Chairman concurred and also placed on record formal thanks to all officers who support scrutiny committees, including democratic services, scrutiny and all presenting officers.


On behalf of the Board, Councillor Mrs Brockway thanked the Chairman for a fair and balanced approach and allowing engagement from members.



1.    That the draft Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2017-18 be noted; and

2.    That the submission of the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2017-18, without amendment, to the meeting of the County Council on 11 May 2018 for final approval be agreed.

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