Agenda item

Corporate Support Services Re-provision: Update on ICT Soft Market Testing and Staff Engagement

(To receive a report by John Wickens (Head of ICT & Chief Digital Officer), which provides an update on the soft market testing that has been undertaken regarding the delivery of IT services from 2020, and to provide a summary of the internal staff engagement sessions which have taken place to provide an understanding of future IT needs of the Council)





The Head of ICT & Chief Digital Officer presented a report which provided the Board with an update on the soft market testing that had been undertaken to help inform the Council's decision making process regarding the delivery of IT Services from 2020; and to provide a summary of the internal engagement sessions that had taken place with staff members, to provide an understanding of the current and future IT needs of the Council. The Board were invited to consider the report and provide feedback on the points raised.


The report provided drew attention to the two stages of engagement that had been conducted:


1.External engagement - Soft market testing

2.Internal engagement - Steps taken to engage staff/members


The soft market testing had been carried out, with five providers expressing an interest in progressing to the final stage of the engagement process, presenting a range of potential service delivery models. It was noted that the procurement principles explored with providers, officers and members during the soft market testing were now being finalised.


Officers emphasised that although the market was small it was a viable one with some credible providers. Officers were confident that if they were to go to market in December there was sufficient interest from the market for a competitive procurement to be undertaken.  


The Internal Engagement Process had involved 11 workshop sessions, nine with officers and two with members. The Head of IMT and Chief Digital Officer thanked those Members who had attended the workshop sessions. 


The Board were advised that all information had now been recorded and officers would now consider the feedback of the providers and staff in order to present a likely potential procurement option for consideration to OSMB in September 2018.


Questions and comments from members and officers included the following:


1.    It was questioned why the tactical issues were being dealt with before the    strategic elements of the process were in place. In response, officers explained that it was essential to address the immediate problems whilst still planning ahead.

2.    In response to a question, it was clarified that there was a mid-level draft in place which considered the service level strategy along with the technical strategy.

3.    The Leader of the Council explained that different options were being explored and that the strategy would look forward to the future. It was noted that the Council should have a clearer vision by April 2019.

4.    It was noted the strategy had been shared with the Working Group and the sessions had been productive and successful. The Board requested the principles of the new strategy to be shared with them by the end of the month.

5.    Officers explained that in line with the feedback gathered, the strategy would look at what needed to be in place currently as well as assessing future needs, which included investments in basic infrastructure by 2020.

6.    Members expressed concerns that there were only a small number of providers expressing an interest in delivering ICT service for the Council.  . Officers were confident that although there were only a small number of providers expressing an interest in a potential procurement, this was reflective of the national picture, and a viable procurement was available for the Council should it seek to pursue this option for 2020. 

7.    Officers clarified that of the 1025 comments made by internal employees, it was expected a significant proportion of concerns raised could be resolved through updating equipment and infrastructure.

8.    One member felt that it was important to highlight the impact that procurement would have on citizens as well as the internal impacts.


10:50am – Councillor R Wootten entered the meeting.




1.    That the report and comments made be noted

2.    That the principles of the new strategy be shared with the Board by the end of September 2018


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