Agenda item

Performance - Quarter 1 2018/19

(To receive a report from Sally Savage, Chief Commissioning Officer – Children's Services, which provides key performance information for Quarter 1 20119 relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee)

(NOTE: Appendix D to this report contains exempt information under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 A of the Local Government Act 1972, and discussion of this information could result in the exclusion of the press and public)


Consideration was given to a report by Sally Savage (Chief Commissioning Officer), which provided key performance information for Quarter 1 2018/19 that was relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee.


Debbie Barnes OBE (Executive Director of Children's Services) presented the report to the Committee and in doing so, highlighted that all of the eight measures had achieved their targets for Quarter 1, details of which could be found at Appendix A to the report.  


It was advised that the overall compliments received in Q1 had increased by approximately 24% with 42 compliments having been received, compared to 34 last quarter.  The customer satisfaction information was detailed at Appendix B to the report.


A summary of the most recent mainstream Ofsted Inspections by school type was detailed at Appendix C to the report. The Committee received an update on those schools that were currently judged to be Inadequate and/or under and Interim Executive Board, page 71 refers.  Representatives of the County Council had met with the Diocese regarding the issues surrounding the church schools.  It was suggested that an update be provided at a future meeting.


The Committee was advised that Appendix D to the report contained exempt information and if the Committee wished to discuss details pertaining to Appendix D, a vote would need to be taken to move into exempt session.


At this point in the meeting, it was moved, second and:




That in accordance with Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for consideration of Appendix D to the report on the grounds that if they were present there could be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


The Chairman invited members of the Committee to ask questions in relation to Appendix D of the report and officers responded to questions raised.


At this point in the meeting, it was moved, second and:




That the remaining of the meeting be considered in open session.


The Committee was provided with an opportunity to ask questions, where the following points were noted: -


·         Juvenile first time offenders – It was clarified that the number of young people entering the criminal justice for the first time was mostly controlled by external influences, such as Police policies, meaning that it was the decision of the Police whether to caution / charge the young person or take them through the restorative system.  It was suggested that this wording be made clearer for future reports;

·         Juvenile re-offending – It was advised that this measure did not include restorative solutions, as this only included those young people who had committed a proven offence.  It was also advised that this was a national indicator and something that the County Council was required to report upon;

·         It was advised that crime data by postal code area could be viewed at .

·         A concern was raised regarding the limited secondary school provision along the east coast, in particular how East Lindsey District Council's housing plans could increase the pressure on those schools, and whether this would be a suitable topic for a future scrutiny review.  It was advised that an item on Pupil Place Planning Process was due to be considered by the Committee on 19 October 2018 and it was suggested that this be considered under this item;

·         Average time taken to move a child from care to an adoptive family – it was confirmed and the Committee was assured that the improved performance with this measure did not impact on the quality of the placement.  The best interest of the child was of paramount importance;

·         Ombudsman Complaints - delay of 18 months for an Occupational Health assessment – it was advised that the complaint was deemed to be premature to be processed via the Ombudsman, as the County Council complaints procedure had been bypassed by the complainant;

·         Looked after Children – it was advised that a lower rate of children looked after by the Local Authority indicated a better performance.  In response to a question, any proposed increases in funding for this area would have to form part of the Executive's budget setting process.




That the performance report for Quarter 1 2018/19 and the comments of the Committee be noted.


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