Agenda item

Annual Reports of South Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and South West Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group

 (To receive a report from Simon Evans, Health Scrutiny Officer, which gives the Committee the opportunity to consider the Annual Reports for both South Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and South West Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group.  John Turner, Chief Officer for both South Lincolnshire CCG and South West Lincolnshire CCG, will be in attendance for this item)


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting John Turner, Chief Officer, South Lincolnshire CCG and South West Lincolnshire CCG, Dr Kevin Hill, Chair, South Lincolnshire CCG; and Dr Dave Baker, Chair, South West Lincolnshire CCG.


The Chief Officer introduced the report and brought to the Committee's attention the Appendices attached to the report.  Appendix A provided a copy of the Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18 for South Lincolnshire CCG; and Appendix B provided a copy of the Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18 for South West Lincolnshire CCG.


The Committee noted that John Turner was the Chief Officer for both South Lincolnshire CCG and South West Lincolnshire CCG.  The report highlighted that each clinical commissioning group had a statutory duty to produce an annual report and accounts. 


The Committee noted further that South Lincolnshire CCG had a population 162,000; and a budget of £229 million; and South West had a population of £133,000; and a budget of £182 million.  It was highlighted that each of the CCGs had differing leadership responsibilities; details of which were contain within Appendix A and B attached to the report.  It was highlighted further that the Appendices contained historical data up to 31 March 2018.


During discussion, the Committee raised the following issues:-


·         One member enquired whether GP extended hours had made a difference to the number of people turning up at A & E.  The Committee was advised that surprisingly more patients had turned up at A & E; as the focus had been changed to pre-booked appointments, with same day access;

·         One member enquired whether there was any control through the 'Choose and Book' system to keep patients in Lincolnshire, rather than attending hospitals in bordering counties.  The Committee was advised that many people in Lincolnshire lived close to borders and chose to use health facilities out of Lincolnshire, as that was their closest hospital, and likely to be their preferred hospital.  It was highlighted that there was no intention on the part of the NHS to change this.  The emphasis of the work was to provide more care in local communities, so that fewer people actually needed to go in to hospital.  It was also highlighted that it was in the CCGs interest to ensure that the population of Lincolnshire received the best care possible; where the care was received was not an issue.  It was highlighted that the Patient Charter ensured that patients had choice; and to the fact that Lincolnshire never had sufficient health funding; in relation to using hospitals in neighbouring counties, it was emphasised that health funding was not for Lincolnshire NHS organisations, but for the care of Lincolnshire people, wherever that might be;

·         Page 128 – Some concern was expressed that the Bar Chart on page 128 appeared inaccurate.  It was also highlighted that there was a lack of information for members of the public to compare GP services in their area with other GP areas.  The Committee was advised that there was more information available for the public to view on GP services than there had been previously.  The Committee was reminded that the information presented in the annual reports was for 2017/18 and was therefore historical.  The Committee was advised that there was a primary care dashboard, from which comparison information could be made available from; and that this was an area that was being looked at, as to what information could be placed in the public domain.  The Chief Officer advised that he was delighted with the quality of GP Practices in the South Lincolnshire and South West Lincolnshire CCGs;

·         Page 75 – One member expressed concern that mental health patients in the more rural areas did not have the same services available to them as in the more urban areas.  The Committee was advised that lots of work was going on with dementia care; and as part of that work Neighbourhood Teams initiative staff were actively searching and visiting those with dementia to make sure that the necessary care plans were in place.  The Committee was also advised that work was being undertaken with a cohort of patients under the Transforming Care Project for Learning Disabilities.  Work was also being done to offer facilities in Lincolnshire, so as to prevent patients going out of County;

·         One member enquired as to what could be done to reduce the number of missed appointments.  Confirmation was given that the issue of missed appointments was a national issue; and that some measures were already in place to try and reduce the number, for instance a text message reminding the patient of their appointment;

·         What the most significant challenge was for South Lincolnshire CCG.  The Committee was advised that workforce was the biggest challenge, having staff available in the right place at the right time;

·         What the most significant challenge was for South West Lincolnshire CCG.  The most significant challenge highlighted from the SWLCCG was finance, as there were no reserves left; and that there were significant challenges ahead to make savings; 

·         As the report presented related to historical data, a question was asked whether so far for 18/19, had there been any improvements in the RAG rating.  Then Committee was advised that there had not been any significant improvements in the RAG rating; and

·         Reference was made to commissioning under sustainable development, where it had mentioned the stopping of services.  A question was asked as to what services these might be; and whether some had already been stopped.  The Committee was advised that no services had been stopped the services were just being re-shaped.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended thanks to the representatives.




1.    That the Annual Report for 2017/18 for the South Lincolnshire and South West Lincolnshire CCG's be noted.


2.    That an update on the RAG Rating be presented to a future meeting of the Committee; along with a copy of the improvement plan.

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