Agenda item

Voices for Choices (V4C) Update Report

(To receive a report by Ben Lilley, Team Manager Quality and Standards, which gives a summary and overview of the activities of V4C between January and June 2020)


The Panel received a report which provided a summary and overview of activities with regard to V4C between January and June 2020.  This was a longer period of time that the agreed quarterly timescale due to February's report to the Corporate Parenting Panel focusing on updates regarding the Big Conversation and the Tell Us Survey, and the previous Corporate Parenting Panel being refocused due to matters related to the Covid-19 infection.


The report provided an update of V4C activities early in 2020 in January and February, which had not been previously reported and provided information on V4C activities over the more recent months within the context of significant disruptions and changes to working practices as a result of the Covid-19 infection, meaning in line with many other activities, V4C meetings had been taking place virtually and remotely.


It was reported that the meetings had been taking place using Zoom and some sessions had been held with Soundlincs.  A 12 week programme had commenced which covered several different musical activities for the group.  It was hoped that the Zoom meetings would continue after the move back to physical meetings.


Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions to the officers present in relation to the information contained within the report and some of the points raised during discussion included the following:

·         Members were pleased to see that the lockdown had not stopped activities and that officers were finding new ways to engage with the young people. 

·         There were concerns that some people found virtual meetings quite difficult, and it was queried what was being done to help and encourage those young people to join virtual meetings.  Developing the confidence of young people using platforms such as Zoom was acknowledged as important.  One of the youth workers was supporting young people in this by encouraging them to meet in smaller groups  to build confidence.

·         It was suggested that in the future, virtual meetings in between the physical meeting could provide a drop-in approach.  It was confirmed that it was hoped that a hybrid model would be adopted in future, as it gave more opportunity to reach more children and young people.

·         In order to participate in virtual meetings, there was a need to have the right technology and it was queried whether the authority was able to give support to those young people who may not have access to the technology to enable them to engage.  It was noted that some young people had been using their parent's phones when they did not have their own.  There was an aim to address any issues where people did not have access to technology.

·         It was queried whether those young people that had not participated in any V4C events were contacted.  The Panel was advised that when a young person had been due to attend an event but had not participated, they would be contacted to determine why they had not attended.  This was often due to a last minute problem or travel and transport issues.

·         In terms of the activities which were suggested for V4C events (when physical activities were taking place), it was queried whether they were chosen in conjunction with the young people.  It was confirmed that this was done where possible, but sometimes the suggestions may be led by the youth workers, but the children and young people would choose where they were held.  It was noted that when the activity and venue was correct, attendance was increased.




            That the report be noted.


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