Agenda item

Corporate Plan Success Framework 2023/24 - Quarter 3

(To receive a report by the Deputy Chief Executive & Executive Director – Resources which presents the Executive with an overview of performance against the Corporate Plan as at 31 December 2023)


That performance for Quarter 3 2023-24 as at 31 December 2023 be considered and noted.


Consideration was given to a report introduced by the Lead of Corporate Performance which presented an overview of performance against the Corporate Plan as at 31 December 2023.  Detailed information on performance could be viewed on the Council’s website.  It was noted that there were 43 activities which could be reported in Quarter 3, and of those only three were amber rated, all others were green and progressing as planned.


In terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 88% were either achieving or exceeding target, it was noted that of the nine indicators which were exceeding target, six were also exceeding in quarter 2, and three were new.  It was noted that PI 15 – percentage of children in care living within a family environment was reprofiled earlier in the year to remove unaccompanied asylum seeking children from this data.  It was also reported that in terms of number of businesses supported, an additional 800 businesses had been supported in Quarter 3.


Of the three measures which were not achieving target, two of these were also not achieving target in Quarter 2.  Two of the measures were related to waste and recycling.  It was noted that recycling at Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) had dropped slightly in Quarter 3, and the slight reductions could be attributed to seasonal variations.


In terms of the contextual measures, it was highlighted that there were now 239 Section 19 investigations ongoing in quarter 3.


The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board was in attendance to present the comments of the Board following its consideration of this report at its meeting on 29 February 2024, where the recommendations to the Executive were unanimously supported.  Comments raised by the Board included queries regarding the percentage of disabled adults employed; concerns about limited space in recycling centres, proposing a reuse centre similar to the Seagull Recycling Centre in Skegness; the inclusion of public sector volunteer managers; concerns regarding the delayed progress of extra care housing projects; queries were raised regarding the potential financial impact of the separate food waste collections and clarification was sought on potential financial burdens resulting from the Environment Act 2021.


During discussion by the Executive, the following was noted:


·       It was confirmed that there were plans to open a reuse centre in Tattershall in the summer of 2024.  It was noted that similar schemes were run in North East Lincolnshire, and any money made was donated to local charities.

·       In relation to the delayed extra care housing projects, it was confirmed that the Welton project should be completed by the end of 2024.  In relation to the site at Horncastle, work was still underway to find a suitable provider.  The Chief Executive noted that there had been some issues, but they were site specific.  This was an opportunity to take stock in terms of lessons learned and a review of the Strategic Needs Assessment was taking place to establish where the demand was.

·       In relation to the Environment Act, it was suggested that it may be useful for the Executive to receive a briefing on any further developments and potential impacts.

·       In relation to Visit Lincolnshire, it was noted that it was very pleasing that there had been a high number of visits to the website and conversions to bookings.  It was noted that there was a commitment to develop green tourism in Lincolnshire.

·       In terms of flood investigations, new staff were being recruited, and an ambitious target had been set to deal with all investigations by the end of August.




That performance for Quarter 3 2023-24 as at 31 December 2023 be considered and noted.

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