Agenda item

Integrated Lifestyle Service Contract Extension

(To receive a report by the Executive Director – Adult Care and Community Wellbeing which seeks authorisation for an exception to the Council’s Contract Regulations to enable a 12-month extension to the Integrated Lifestyle Service Contract, plus three elements of additional delivery, with the current provider until 30 June 2025)


1.    That the extension of the Integrated Lifestyle Service contract for a period of 12 months from the 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, at a value of £2,717,490 be approved.


2.    That the extension of the Child & Family Weight Management component for the same period, at a value of £265,610 be approved.


3.    That the extension of the Strength & Balance (Falls Prevention) component at a value of £160,000 be approved.


4.    That the extension of the Employee Challenge component for the same period, at a value of £58,000 be approved.


5.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director – Adult Care and Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Adult Care and Public Health, to take all decisions necessary to give effect to the above extensions.


The Executive Councillor for Adult Care and Public Health introduced a report which sought authorisation for an exception to the Council’s Contract Regulations to enable a 12-month extension to the existing Integrated Lifestyle Service contract, plus 3 elements of additional delivery, with the current provider until 30 June 2025.  The total cost of the extension was £3,201,100.


The Consultant in Public Health presented the report and outlined the details of the services that were commissioned.  It was noted that the service targeted four leading risk factors which were smoking, weight, physical activity and alcohol. There had been additional complementary elements of service delivery added to the core contract which were a Child & Family Weight Management Service, a Falls Prevention service and an Employee Challenge service for LCC staff and associated NHS partners.


The Executive was advised that this would be funded through the Public Health grant, with a contribution from the NHS.  This was an important service for the NHS as it could assist in reducing demand on their services.


The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board presented the comments of the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee following its consideration of this report at its meeting on 28 February 2024.  The Committee supported the five recommendations to the Executive.  The Committee agreed to make several comments, which whilst not directly relevant to the proposal before the Executive, they were initial views on the development of the future contract which would be effective from 1 July 2025.  These initial comments would be re-considered by the Committee in October 2024.  Comments included welcoming of a pilot Childe and Family Weight Management Service; support for the retention of the self-referral route in the new contract along with GP referrals; support for offering the service in 19 locations; that additional funding would be useful in the supporting the development of services; the importance of the Employee Challenge was acknowledged; and finally, the deep-dive overview of the service was welcomed.


During discussion of the report, the following comments by the Executive were noted:

·       This was a good programme for families, individuals and young people. 

·       Members were fully supportive of the proposal, however it was important to recognise that this would not produce changes overnight.  There was a need to reinforce positive behaviours around lifestyle etc.

·       It was queried whether the percentage of adults classed as overweight was an estimate and it was confirmed that this was an average calculated from national data, but the data could be broken down further into district level information. 

·       In relation to numbers of reception age children who were classed as overweight or obese, it was highlighted that schools offered healthy meals as well as exercise.  However, it was at home where the children may not have healthy meals or the opportunity to exercise.  Officers advised that there were strict criteria for meals which could be served in schools, with free school meals available to all children in Key Stage 1, however, parents did not have to take up the offer of these school meals.  There were also PE classes every week.  Reassurance was given that schools were working hard on this.  The aim of this contract was to explore how families could become involved in adopting healthy lifestyles at home, as well as at weekends and during holidays.

·       It was queried whether the review could have been carried out sooner, and officers advised that this would not have been possible as the pilot programmes would not have been running for long enough and the ICB was also keen to invest in prevention programmes.




1.    That the extension of the Integrated Lifestyle Service contract for a period of 12 months from the 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, at a value of £2,717,490 be approved.


2.    That the extension of the Child & Family Weight Management component for the same period, at a value of £265,610 be approved.


3.    That the extension of the Strength & Balance (Falls Prevention) component at a value of £160,000 be approved.


4.    That the extension of the Employee Challenge component for the same period, at a value of £58,000 be approved.


5.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director – Adult Care and Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Adult Care and Public Health, to take all decisions necessary to give effect to the above extensions.

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