Agenda item

Grantham Future High Street Fund - Market Place & Station Approach Projects

(To receive a report from Sam Edwards, Head of Highways Infrastructure and Laboratory Services, which invites the Committee to consider the Grantham Future High Street Fund - Market Place & Station Approach Projects due to be considered by the Executive Councillor for Highways Transport and I.T. between 11 and 15 March 2024)


Consideration was given to a report from Sam Edwards, Head of Highways Infrastructure and Laboratory Services, which provided the Committee with the opportunity to comment on the Grantham Future High Street Fund – market place and station approach projects, prior to a decision by the Executive for Highways, Transport and IT between 11 and 15 March 2024. The following matters were highlighted:


·   The projects were being led by South Kesteven District Council.

·   An £8 million bid had been secured by the District Council to fund the projects.

·   The contract start date was due in April 2024.

·   Contract options were outlined, as referenced within the report.

·   A programme of community engagement was underway to help inform the direction of the projects.

·   Contract costs had come back at less than anticipated.

·   Principally, the projects sought to make Grantham’s market place area a more usable space for events by lifting the carriageway and installing block paving to create a level surface.

·   Works also included making the area more aesthetically pleasing by reducing the impact of former industrial structures between the station and the market place.


During consultation of the report, the following comments were raised:


·   Members expressed concern about the project's costing and questioned whether there was confidence that there will be enough money to complete both projects. Officers acknowledged the difficulty in being completely certain due to the inherent risks in capital works. Officers mentioned that the initial cost is significantly less than what was in the paper, providing some room for changes, whilst also emphasising the presence of a £400,000 risk within the overall numbers.

·   Officers detailed mitigation measures, including the ability to tailor the Station Approach scheme in case of cost escalation in the marketplace scheme. This included descope or non-implementation options to manage risks. It was acknowledged that while it could not be guaranteed the project would fall within the budget, experience suggested it was anticipated that it would.

·   Substantial public opposition to the scheme was acknowledged, citing concerns about the extended disruption to the marketplace for perceived minimal benefit. Ongoing discussions with the District Council leadership were held seeking justification and sponsorship for the scheme, pushing for public support. Serious objections from traders were noted.

·   Members expressed concerns about the disruption to traders and traffic flow in Grantham, especially during certain times of the day and when affected by issues on surrounding major routes; lack of public buy-in at the current stage of the process was emphasised and a question was raised about what actions are being taken to address these concerns.  Officers clarified that these are South Kesteven District Council-led projects, therefore communication responsibility sits with the District Council in relation to the purpose and benefits of the project to the members of the public.  Officers explained further that LCC would lead the communications with regards the specific construction of the project, including traffic management, practical implications, and the day-to-day effects on businesses.  LCC is looking to appoint a public liaison officer for this purpose. Further, a public engagement event was due at the end of March that was covering a wider range of Grantham projects - including reconstruction schemes and pedestrian crossing developments.

·   Members, acknowledging the current lack of consensus from members of the public and business/traders for the schemes, agreed to support the Recommendations to the Executive Councillors which were pertinent to supporting taking all decisions necessary to progress these schemes as well as the “undertaking of an appropriate procurement process in relation to the delivery and construction of the Schemes”.




1. That that the Committee support the report and agree the recommendations to the Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT.

2. That comments raised by the Committee be shared with the Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT for consideration ahead of the decision being made.

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