Agenda item

Integrated Care Partnership Strategy

(To receive a report from Michelle Andrews, Assistant Director ICS, Lincolnshire County Council and Peter Burnett, Director of Strategic Planning, Integration and Partnerships, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, which asks the Partnership to approve the Integrated Care Partnership Strategy)


Consideration was given to a report from Michelle Andrews, Assistant Director ICS, Lincolnshire County Council and Pete Burnett, Director of Strategic Planning, Integration and Partnerships, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, which invited the Partnership to approve the Integrated Care Strategy (Appendix A) and to the publication of the Integrated Care Partnership Strategy on the Lincolnshire Intelligence Hub alongside the Joint Introduction document and the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The Chairman invited the Assistant Director ICS, Lincolnshire County Council and Director of Strategic Planning, Integration and Partnerships, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board to present the item to the Partnership.


The Partnership were reminded that the strategy had been developed with all partners across the integrated care system and the copy of the strategy attached at Appendix A to the report was the final iteration of the said document.


The Partnership noted the five refreshed strategic enablers as shown on page 16 of the report pack and that each enabler would have a System Responsible Officer (SRO) and a delivery lead, whose role it was to support and challenge the system and to embed the thinking into all that was done as set out for each strategic enabler.  The SRO and the delivery lead would also ensure that delivery arrangements were in place, any barriers and challenges were addressed, and measures were developed to ensure that ambitions were delivered.


The Partnership was advised that once approved the strategy would be published on the Lincolnshire Intelligence Hub, with links being added to the ICB’s and county council websites. It was however highlighted the strategy would be available in different formats to suit phones, tablets, computers, as well as a PDF version for printing.


During consideration of this item the following comments were noted:


·       One member enquired when the system would start to see the delivery outcomes, and how these would be measured.  It was noted that work was ongoing to combine the measures from the different documents together as a high-level system ambition.  It was highlighted in parallel to the work on the strategies, delivery had been taking place and the next item on the agenda would highlight how that work was going to be taken forward.  It was highlighted further that an update would be received for each of the enablers to identify what had been achieved.  It was felt that the planned informal development sessions would give members the opportunity to discuss matters further;

·       It was noted that although the voluntary and community sector had been engaged throughout the process, there could have been more reference to the sector in the document.  The voluntary and community sector representative agreed to share comments with officers after the meeting; and

·       That the voluntary and community sector needed access to digital records or to be part of the conversation on how the analytical and digital capabilities could be shared.


The Chairman on behalf of the Partnership extended thanks to the presenters.




1.      That the Integrated Care Partnership Strategy as detailed in Appendix A to the report be approved.


2.      That publication of the Integrated Care Partnership Strategy on the Lincolnshire Health Intelligence Hub alongside the Joint Introduction document and the Joint health and Wellbeing Strategy be approved.

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