Agenda item

NHS Joint Forward Plan - Delivery Plan

(To receive a report from Pete Burnett, Director of Strategic Planning, Integration and Partnerships, NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, which invites the Board to note the requirement for the NHS to develop a Joint Forward Plan and to involve the Health and Wellbeing Board in its preparation, and for the Board to provide assurance that the plan takes account of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)



The Board considered a report from the NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), which invited the Board to note the requirement of the NHS to develop a Joint Forward Plan (FP), and to involve the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) in its preparation, and for the Board to provide assurance that the Plan took account of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


The Chairman invited the Pete Burnett, Director of Strategic Planning, Integration and Partnerships, NHS Lincolnshire ICB to present the item to the Board.


The Board was advised that the Health and Care Act 2022 required the Lincolnshire ICB and partner trusts to prepare a Joint Forward Plan before the start of each financial year.


The Board was reminded that the Lincolnshire Joint Forward Plan 2023-2028 presented to the Board on 13 June 2023, had set out the key priorities for the NHS in Lincolnshire for the next five years.  The HWB had agreed that the JFP had taken into account the JLHWS, and the document was subsequently published on the NHS Lincolnshire ICB website. It was noted that since June, the NHS in Lincolnshire had been developing a multi-year delivery plan to underpin the JFP, which was more technical in nature and would also be published. 


A copy of the delivery plan was provided at Appendix A to the report pack for the Board to consider and comment on and give assurance that the delivery plan took account of the JLHWS.


During consideration of this item, the following comments were noted:


·       How progress on the headline ambition ‘by April 24 over 40,000 people will have had a what matters to me conversation’ would be measured. The Board noted that the Personalisation Programme through general practice would record if those conversations were taking place.  It was noted further that this headline was one mandated from NHS England and one that had been measured for a number of years;

·       The Board was advised that information would be available on ‘its all about people’ webpage on the ICB website, which provided information on the personalisation programme;

·       Some concern was expressed that the plan had been written in isolation just for NHS targets, rather than joint integrated targets, as other agencies were currently doing work alongside the NHS targets.  The Board was advised that the nature of the plan was focused on the national agenda. The Board noted that joint working would be covered more in the Integrated Care Strategy. There was however recognition that all the documents did give the impression of individual targets rather than a joined-up approach.  The frustration raised was recognised, and that steps were continuing to be raised to push for what was best for Lincolnshire; and

·       Reassurance was provided that there was a partnership approach to digital technology, as the Integrated Care Partnership Strategy had a Digital and Technology Enabler, and that part of the cross-cutting themes was bringing together all the different elements.  It was highlighted that the Chancellor’s recent budget had highlighted funding for digitalisation, but as yet no details had been received, but this would be incorporated into the strategic approach taken.  It was also highlighted that digital components of the enabler would look at how people could access services better and support themselves to get better outcomes, and the technology element would be what equipment was needed to facilitate better health and care services.


The Chairman on behalf of the Board extended thanks to the presenter.




1.      That the requirement of the NHS to develop a Joint Forward Plan be noted.


2.      That the requirement to involve the Health and Wellbeing Board in preparing or revising the Joint Forward Plan be noted.


3.      That the Board agrees the Joint Forward Plan takes proper account of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy be recorded.    

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