Agenda item

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust Update on the Implementation of the Clinical Strategy for Stamford and Rutland Hospital; and Recovery Plans for all Patients

(To receive a report from North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (NWAFT), which provides the Committee with an update on the implementation of the Clinical Strategy for Stamford and Rutland Hospital; and Recovery Plans for all patients.  Hannah Coffey, Chief Executive, NWAFT will be in attendance for this item)


The Committee gave consideration to a report from the Chief Executive, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (NWAFT), which provided an update on the clinical and estates development at Stamford and Rutland Hospital, the latest information on the development of a Day Treatment Centre at Stamford, and Trust-wide activities taking place to reduce waiting times for all patients of North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust.


The Chairman invited the following representatives from the Trust to remotely present the item to the Committee: Hannah Coffey, Chief Executive, David Moss, Director of Estates and Facilities and Callum Gardner, Chief Medical Officer, the lead officer for the Stamford Hospital development.


In guiding the Committee through the report, reference was made to: the Stamford and Rutland Site Strategy; the Day Treatment Centre Proposal; the sale of unused land on the Stamford and Rutland Hospital Site; and reducing waiting times for patients.


Note: Councillor C Morgan declared a non-pecuniary interest as the Vice-Chairman of South Kesteven District Council Planning Committee.


Councillor P M Dilks also wished it to be noted that he was a cabinet member of South Kesteven District Council.


During consideration of this item, some of the following comments were noted:


·       Reassurance was provided that car parking remained a priority for the Trust and there was recognition that at peak times parking was a challenge at Stamford and Rutland Hospital.  The Committee was advised that planning permission for a multi-storey car park was still in place, if required, but at the moment discussions were talking place regarding an adjacent site which would mean that sufficient car parking spaces could be provided without the need for a multi-storey car park.  It was also highlighted that staff were encouraged to travel as sustainably as possible using buses, walking or cycling to work, which would then free up parking spaces for patients.  It was noted that this had been done at Hinchingbrooke Hospital (also operated by NWAFT) and a similar approach had been suggested for staff working at Stamford.  The Committee also noted that parking mechanisms were due to be introduced shortly which would help control parking;

·       It was reported that a decision regarding planning permission for the Day Treatment Centre proposals on the Stamford and Rutland site was expected in May 2024.  It was noted that the proposed building was a modular build, which would be constructed off site and then delivered in modules to the site for construction.  It was expected that the building would be completed by January 2025;

·       With regarding to the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at Stamford, the Committee was advised that the guidance for MIU’s had changed and that this matter would be for the NHS LincoInshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), as commissioners.  The Committee noted that the Trust was working closely with the ICB to find a way through the guidance to ensure that services in Stamford were maintained;

·       The Committee was advised that some construction work was currently ongoing at the Peterborough site to construct a 20-bed modular ward, which would be completed in June 2024, and that there would be two additional wards both having 36 beds which was as a result of converting existing office space into clinical space, which would provide an additional 92 beds.  Reassurance was provided that the Committee would be kept up to date of any developments or service changes at the Peterborough City Hospital;

·       One member expressed their gratitude and thanks to staff for the amazing service a family member had received from the Peterborough A & E department and the children’s ward; and

·       That patient flow information would form part of the next report from NWAFT.


The Chairman on behalf of the Committee extended his thanks to the presenters.




1.      That full support be given to the plans for a new day-case treatment centre at Stamford and Rutland Hospital


2.      That a further update be received in one year’s time which should include information relating to patient flow.

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