Agenda item

To extend the operating hours by 1.5 hours to enable the quarry to operate until 19:00 hours at Harmston Quarry, Tower Lane, Harmston - Harmston Waste Management (Agent: Ryland Design Services Ltd) - N30/1026/14; N30/1025/14; N30/1027/14; N30/1029/14 and N30/1033/14


Parish Councillor M Wylie, an objector, commented as follows:-


1. In addition to speaking on behalf of Harmston Parish Council he was also speaking on behalf of Aubourn and Haddington Parish Councils.

2. Had spoken to other quarries in the locality and none of them remained open until 7pm.

3. Should approval be granted then HCVs would travel through local villages after 7pm causing noise and pollution for local residents.

4. Many of the villages were traditional in character and quiet.

5. It was likely that there would be an increase in HCVs if the hours of opening were increased.


In response to a question from the Committee, Parish Councillor Mike Wylie stated that there was constant movement of HCVs entering and leaving the quarry but it was difficult to quantify the number of HCVs involved.  However, if the Committee agreed to the recommendation in the report then HCV movements would continue after the quarry had closed.


Comments made by the local Member, Councillor Mrs M J Overton MBE, included:-


1. The application should be refused in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (potential impacts on the amenities of local residents from noise and pollution).

2. There was no economic advantage to the company of increasing the opening hours.

3. The applicant should seek a compromise and a 6pm closure should be considered.

4. Adverse effect on local residents if the application was approved.

5. The application should be refused as there was no accurate information on traffic flows.

6. The access road to the quarry was through the village of Harmston and the road was too narrow to allow two HCVs to pass side by side.

7. HCVs damaged buildings and posed a risk to pedestrians, particularly where there was a shortage of footpaths.


Officers in response to the comments made by the local Member stated that highways had no objection to the application and that any transgression of the hours of operation could be addressed by enforcement. Any traffic survey would also be difficult to undertake due to the numerous locations needed to be covered.


Comments made by the Committee included:-


1. HCVs could use the A607 and A15 and therefore avoid the local villages.

2. HCVs carrying sugar beet were more likely to cause damage to villages than that caused by the applicant’s HCVs.

3. Should the opening times of the quarry be extended then it was likely that HCVs would be operating until 8pm which would affect the quality of life of local residents.


A motion moved by Councillor W S Webb, seconded by Councillor I G Fleetwood, that the recommendation detailed in the report should be approved, was defeated by 4 votes for, 8 votes against and 1 abstention.


On a motion by Councillor Mrs H N J Powell, seconded by Councillor T Keywood-Wainwright, it was –


RESOLVED (8 votes for, 2 votes against and 1 abstention)


That, the Committee is minded to refuse the application in accordance with paragraph 120 of the National Planning and Policy Framework and Policy C5 of the North Kesteven Local Plan (2007), subject to a more detailed report outlining the reasons for refusal to a future meeting of the Committee.


(Post Committee note: Since being made aware of the Committee resolution the applicant has withdrawn these applications)


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