Agenda item

Internal Audit Progress Report

(To receive a report which provides an update on audits completed in the period 15 July – 31 August 2015)


Consideration was given to a report which provided an update on audit work undertaken in the period 15 July 2015 to 31 August 2015.


Members were informed that during this period, 8 County Audits had been completed, 1 to final report and 2 to draft report stage as well as finalising 5 school audits.  There were 7 audits in progress.  It was also reported that there were still two auditors advising/supporting the Agresso project – post implementation.


Members were advised that the Corporate Audit and Risk Management restructure had been finalised and was due for implementation on 1 October 2015.  It was noted that there would be a period of transition, as people take on their new roles.  There would be a review of the audit plan in conjunction with the senior management team.


Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions to the officers present in relation to the information contained within the report, and some of the points raised during discussion included the following:

·         It was clarified that under performance information, the targets should be for 2015/16 not 2014/15 as stated in the report;

·         There were concerns that only 20% of the Plan had been completed.  However, members were advised that at this point of the year it was expected that around 35% of the plan would be complete.  It was suggested whether splitting the year into quarters would be useful for members in future reports.  It was agreed that this would be helpful;

·         Officers would be looking at what was scheduled to be audited for the rest of the year and the work that had to be done would be prioritised.  In terms of resources needed from November onwards, it was noted that there could be additional resources available through the partnership with Leicester City Council.  There were also contractors specifically focused on financial controls and their contract had been extended to the end of March 2016;

·         In relation to staffing, the sickness issue had been resolved, and one person had had to take ill health retirement;

·         It was queried when members would be provided with information in relation to the amount of additional time/resources county council staff had spent supporting the Agresso project post implementation.  It was noted that the estimated cost in terms of finance staff was £67,000, and the Audit component was £6,500.  It was noted that this was the equivalent to around 40 additional days to what had been scheduled;

·         It was commented that in terms of the Safeguarding Audit, this looked like a good outcome.  Members were informed that the scope of the audit was to ensure that the learning from Serious Case reviews transferred into training for staff.  Nationally there were some fairly bad headlines in relation to safeguarding.  However, it was felt that there were some strong processes in place to implement recommendations which were made;

·         It was noted that a careful watching brief would be kept on the area of safeguarding, as it was currently a high profile area;




            That the Committee note the outcomes of the Internal Audit work.


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