Agenda item

Joint Commissioning Board - Update

(For the Board to receive verbal updates from: - Glen Garrod, Director of Adult Care with regard to the Better Care Fund; and Allan Kitt Leading Chief Officer concerning the Sustainability and Transformation Plan for Lincolnshire) 



Better Care Fund – Update


The Board received a verbal update from Glen Garrod, Executive Director, Adult Social Services on the progress of the Better Care Fund (BCF).


It was reported that from the Comprehensive Spending review announcements in November 2015, the BCF had become a longer term national programme leading to anticipated integration between health and social care by 2020.  It was noted integration plans would come into place from April 2017.


Guidance to support BCF submissions for 2016/17 had not made available until February 2016.  It was noted that the guidance had identified a number of requirements but did not now include a pay for performance element.  It was noted further that a number of requirements related to continuing to protect adult social care, securing services for carers and those needing advocacy, re-ablement services and ongoing support.  Guidance also made reference to Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG); and a higher profile to Non-Elective Admissions and Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC).


The figures from the Department for Communities and Local Government for Lincolnshire had shown the DFG allocation as £4.884m.  The National BCF Programme Team response had been that it was down to local areas to agree how to commit the resource, and that the money did not have to be used exclusively on DFGs, the resource could be used for other capital improvements to meeting the needs for housing, health and social care in localities.  Subsequent clarifications posted by the Local Government Association had then confirmed the extra flexibility; and subsequent national guidance made it clear that DFG would be allocated through the BCF.


On 16 February a letter was sent to all seven districts Chief Executive explaining the situation pertaining to DFG's; and asking for support for a unified approach to the arrangements for the DFG.  Subsequent meetings with District/City senior officers and Chief Executives had indicated support to working towards a preventative housing strategy to be in place for 2017/18.


The final BCF submission for Lincolnshire was required to get agreement from the five statutory partners: the four CCG's and LCC.  The five key elements of the proposals for 2016/17 were:-


·         Agree the continuation of Section 75 Agreements;

·         Agree the level of protection for Adult Care in 2016/17;

·         The consolidation of a number of schemes supported by the BCF programme;

·         A renewed focus on Delayed Transfers of Care led by the System Resilience Group; and

·         A joint approach between the four CCgs and the County Council to the seven districts in pursuit of a Lincolnshire preventative housing strategy.


The Health and Wellbeing Board had considered and approved the Lincolnshire Better Care Fund Submission for 2016/17 at its meeting on 22 March 2016, prior to its submission on 20 April 2016.


Sustainability and Transformation Plan for Lincolnshire


Allan Kitt, Leading Chief Officer for the Sustainability and Transformation Plan updated the Board on the progress of Sustainability and Transformation Plan for Lincolnshire.


The Board was advised that NHS organisations in Lincolnshire had produced individual operational plans for 2016/17, which would form year one of the emerging Sustainability and Transformation Plan and align to Lincolnshire Health and Care.  It was noted that NHSE England and NHS Improvements had asked that every health and care system should work together to produce a five year Sustainability and Transformation Plan for 2016/17 - 2020/21, showing how local services would evolve and become clinically and financially sustainable over the next five years; and have a clear understanding of the health and wellbeing, care and finance and efficiency gaps.


It was reported that the proposals that had been developed through Lincolnshire Health and Care (LHAC) would form an important part of Lincolnshire's STP, and make a substantial contribution to both the quality improvements demanded by Government and the plans needed to bring things back in to line.


It was highlighted that the STP was critical and needed to be owned and delivered by the whole system, all commissioners and all providers.  The STP submission would only be a draft document and would not need to be signed off by the Boards of all CCGs and three providers, formally, but it was expected that all partners were signed up to the plan.  It was noted that completion was planned for the end of June, and then the document would be submitted to NHS England for validation and approval.




            That the verbal updates relating to the BCF and the STP be noted.



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