Agenda item

Carbon Management Plan 2015 - 16 progress report

(To receive a report from Doug Robinson, Sustainability Team Leader, which details progress on the Carbon Management Plan to cover the period from 2013 – 2018)


The Committee gave consideration to a report from Doug Robinson, Sustainability Team Leader, which provided details as to the progress made on the Carbon Management Plan to cover the period 2013 – 2018.


Appendix A to the report provided the Committee with a briefing on what was known currently in relation to the government's proposals on carbon emissions reporting, and tax.  And, Appendix B to the report provided the Committee with a progress report on the Carbon Management Plan for 2015/16.


In guiding the Committee through the report presented, particular reference was made to:-


·         The proposal to move to a single business energy tax from April 2019; this would mean that the public sector would be subject to the same tax and reporting requirements as the private sector;

·         The proposed increase in main rates of Climate Change Levy from April 2019.  It was noted that as a result of the proposal there would be an increase of £312,870 on the 2015/16 payment;

·         It was highlighted that some progress had been made with regard to Information & Communications Technology (ICT).  A remote storage solution had been implemented and the Council was awaiting performance data from the supplier, but it was expected that the report would show a reduction in emissions.  It was noted further that a Service Plan would be prepared which would establish ICT baselines, and proposed schemes to reduce emissions further;

·         The Committee noted that the new contract with VinciMouchel was in its second year and that energy and environmental management was a key requirement;

·         It was reported that significant investment in street lighting and traffic signal upgrades had taken place over the last five years had led to a 9.9% reduction in carbon emissions from the 2014/15 figure; and

·         The Committee was advised that the SCoRE programme was now complete, with 260 of the Lincolnshire's 360 schools having completed the programme.  The programme for technology investment had had £1,978,552 worth of equipment installed in 343 schools; and the 'invest to save' element had resulted in 50 projects valued at £1,180,810 being installed.  Overall, there had been some significant success stories from schools.


In conclusion, it was reported that progress had been made in line with the trajectory requirements to meet the Council's five year target, reducing base energy costs by £2,000,000. 


Some members felt that education regarding energy saving initiatives for young people should continue, as it was felt that this knowledge was very important; and that funding should be made available for this to happen.  Officers advised that they were currently looking into a new European funding initiative called Low Carbon.  The Committee extended their support to the preparation of the Carbon Management Plan three; and agreed that the Chairman should write to the relevant Executive Councillor and highlight the Committees support for Carbon Management three. 




1.    That the report be noted.


2.    That the Committee supported the continuation of education to young people regarding energy saving initiatives and agreed that the Chairman should write to the relevant Executive Councillor and highlight the Committees support for Carbon Management three.

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