Agenda item

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Engagement Plan

(To receive a report from David Stacey, Programme Manager, Health and Wellbeing, which asks the Board to approve the engagement approach for developing the next Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy)



The Committee gave consideration to a report from David Stacey, Programme Manager, Health and Wellbeing, which reminded the Board of its statutory requirements to produce a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS), which would set out how it would engage with people that live and work in Lincolnshire.


It was reported that a review of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Lincolnshire had been undertaken and was due to be published in the spring.  Also, it was noted that the Board had agreed an approach to developing the next JHWS, which would take evidence from the JSNA to prioritise the health needs and care in the community over the course of the next five years. 


The report explained what stakeholder and community engagement would be undertaken; and a request was made that as part of the communication by the Board, that members of the Board agreed to report back to respective Boards and Management Teams, where appropriate, on the progress and approach being taken to develop the Strategy.  The proposed principles of all Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board (LHWB) communications with stakeholders were set out on page 59 of the report presented.


Details of the next steps required and timescales were shown at the bottom of page 59.  The timescales advised that the JHWS for 2018/2023 would be finalised and signed off during January/March 2018.


In conclusion, it was noted that in undertaking engagement on the development of the JHWS, the LHWB would be able to demonstrate that it had taken account of the views of the people who lived and worked in Lincolnshire; and that the process had been undertaken in an open and transparent way.


During discussion, the following issues were raised:-


·         The need for input from each organisation on the Board to help create the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. An invitation was extended to one/two officers from each District to attend the workshops; and

·         One member felt that more public consultation needed to be done; rather than just approaching selective groups.  It was important to have an equal voice if the Strategy was going to be owned.  A suggestion was made as to whether consultation could be undertaken on-line, as not everyone would be available to attend a meeting.  Officers agreed that on-line consultation could be built in to the process.  It was confirmed that there was currently 35 topics in the strategy, which were reported to the Board each year.  It was felt that the prioritization framework would be used as a benchmark, and that each representative organisation should nominate a lead officer to attend the prioritisation workshops.




1.    That the approach to engagement and development of the JHWS for Lincolnshire be agreed.


2.    That a lead officer be nominated from each of the representative organisations on the LHWB to undertake the prioritisation of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) evidence.


3.    That all members agree to report back to respective Boards and Management Teams, where appropriate, on the progress and approach being taken to the development of the JHWS.

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