Agenda item

Council Business Plan 2016 - 2017 Performance Report, Quarter Three

(To receive a report by Jasmine Sodhi (Performance and Equalities Manager), which presents Quarter 3 performance against the Council Business Plan 2016/17)


Consideration was given to a report from Jasmine Sodhi, Performance and Equalities Manager, which invited the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to review the Quarter 3 performance against the Council Business Plan and highlight any recommendations or further actions required.


The Committee was reminded that the Council Business Plan for 2016/17 had been approved by Council on 19 February 2016; and once Quarter 3 performance information had been considered by the Executive at its meeting on 7 March 2017, and feedback had been considered, the performance information would then be made publicly available on the Council's website.


It was highlighted to the Committee that due to a technical issue, measure 78 relating to the amount of Household Waste Recycled, had not achieved the target of 55% recycled.  As a result, two of the headline figures relating to the 15 commissioning strategies reported at the bottom of page 17 needed to be amended to read '8 had performed really well (all measures achieved)' and '4 had mixed performance (some measures achieved and some measures had not been achieved)'.


The Committee noted that the data relating to Chlamydia diagnoses for Quarter 3 was not available; this was due to data quality issues between nationally published information and performance data submitted by the Council's provider.  It was noted further that this matter was being investigated and it was expected that the data would be available for Quarter 4.


Appendix A to the report highlighted to the Committee the proposed changes to reporting performance against the Council Business Plan 2016/17.  Two changes were detailed relating to 'Increase public confidence in how we tackle domestic abuse', and 'Alcohol treatment'.  It was highlighted that the relevant Executive Councillors had been consulted and reasons for the changes relating to the above said areas was fully detailed in Appendix A.


Links to performance measures by service areas were provided in Appendix B for the Committee's information.


During discussion, reference was made to the following issues:-


·         In relation to the measure for permanent admissions to residential and nursing homes - Some concern was expressed as to the number of nursing homes de-registering as nursing homes to become residential homes.  This then resulted in a reduction in the number of beds available to meet nursing need.  Some reference was also made as to whether the measure could be separated out to provide information pertaining to admissions for residential homes and nursing homes, so that a clearer picture could be obtained to see whether the loss of nursing homes was having an impact;

·         Training and support being provided to carers as early as possible to help them sustain their caring role;

·         The definition of high risk premises visited by Trading Standards and whether the definition included illegal alcohol premises.  The Committee was advised that the description under the measure relating mainly to food premises which had been categorised by the Food Standards Agency, DEFRA and the Better Regulation Delivery Office as needing an annual compliance visit to food premises.  Officers agreed to clarify whether illegal alcohol premises were included in this measure and provide a response back to the Committee;

·         Risk analysis – Officers advised that it was up to individual services to undertake risks and impact analysis; and

·         The Committee was advised that previous year's data was available within the infographic data.




That the Quarter 3 performance against the Council Business Plan 2016/17 be received; and that the comments raised be passed on to the Executive.

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