Agenda item

Quarter 4 Performance Report (1 January to 31 March 2017)

(To receive a report by Justin Brown (Commissioner for Economic Growth), which invites the Committee to consider the quarter 4 performance for Environment and Economy) 


Consideration was given to a report by Justin Brown (Commissioner for Economic Growth) and David Hickman (Growth and Environment Commissioner), which demonstrated that there had been good performance against the existing indicators for Environment and Economy.  The report also suggested that the Committee might wish to use a new suite of indicators to help them to scrutinise performance against commissioning strategies in the future.


The Commissioner for Economic Growth highlighted that there were ten indicators relating to environment and economy: six to environment and four to economy.  Of those ten indicators, six had been achieved and there had been "measured performance" against three of the indicators.


The only indicator that was not met was the percentage of household waste recycled.  The Year End Total for 2016/17 was forecasted at 47.3%, however a total year rate of 46.8% was achieved. 


It was highlighted that at the previous meeting of the Committee a discussion took place concerning the role for the Committee in shaping policy and scrutinising performance at a more strategic level.  Therefore, the Committee supported officers in the work they were currently undertaking in producing a new suite of indicators, which would better reflect the commissioning strategies which were currently being prepared.  It was expected that this work would be completed In September 2017 and be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.


Members were provided with an opportunity to ask questions, where the following points were noted: -


·       It was queried whether in relation to the measure on Business Support by the Council; there were any gaps in the coverage of support across the County.  In response, the Committee was advised that the Council had commissioned a series of countywide programmes, which helped business leaders to grow their businesses.  These programmes were delivered through the Growth Hub, which provided businesses across Lincolnshire with a wide range of support.  However, it was highlighted that the visitor economy and the digital services sectors could benefit from additional support;

·       An explanation was given as to why the measure on The Percentage of Household Waste Recycled had not been achieved, which included: the increase in the quantity of waste that was presented and the increased levels of contamination; the changes in the market, which had made it harder to sell contaminated waste; and that the aspirational target of 55% was set in 2008 through the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy, which was currently being refreshed with a suite of more realistic indicators;

·       There was a need to encourage business locally and nationally, to reduce the level of packaging of products in the first instance, as this would assist with recycling levels.  It was also highlighted the carbon footprint for recycling certain recyclables could be quite high and therefore it was necessary to strike a balance between recycling rates and the negative impact it could have on the environment through carbon emissions;

·       The importance of recycling was highlighted and support was given for the reduction of carbon emissions to ensure a sustainable environment for the future;

·       It was reiterated that the Committee would receive an item on the new suite of performance measures at a future meeting.




(1)  That the performance of ten measures, and the comments of the Committee, be noted. 


(2)  That the production of a new suite of performance indicators for the Environment and Economy areas be supported.

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