Agenda item

2017/18 Council Business Plan Quarter 1

(To receive a report by Jasmine Sodhi (Performance and Equalities Manager),which invites the Board to consider a report on the 2017/18 Council Business Plan Quarter 1 which was presented to the Executive on 5 September 2017. Although the views of OSMB are usually reported to the Executive as part of its consideration of this item, due to timeliness of reporting, the Committee timetable has meant that we are unable to report in the usual sequence for Quarter 1. However, any points OSMB wishes to bring to the attention of the Executive Councillors will be shared after the meeting)



The Board was presented with a report which had been considered by the Executive at its meeting on 5 September 2017. 


During discussion of the item, the following comments were made in relation to Appendix B (Summary of those measures where the target was not achieved in Quarter 1):


  • Carers – the Chairman of the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee confirmed that there was to be a performance workshop after the next meeting on 25 October 2017 and that he would highlight the concerns regarding the performance indicators in the Carers commissioning strategy.
  • Protecting the Public – in relation to the "Alcohol related antisocial behaviour incidents" measure, it was queried whether this target was outside of the Council's responsibility.  It was noted that this was one of the indicators outside of the Council's control but the Council could have an influence on it. It was also queried whether the measure could include drug use as well as alcohol and whether the information could be broken down by district council areas to highlight any hotspots. Officers agreed to look into these queries.
  • Protecting the Public – with regards to the "juvenile first time offenders" measure, it was noted that there was now a downward trend for this measure which should continue with the recent introduction of restorative justice. However, concerns were raised as to whether the reduction in PCSOs and police officers would have a negative impact on this trend.
  • Protecting the Public – in relation to "reported incidents of domestic abuse", it was highlighted that it would be useful to see more figures such as for second time and third time offences before the police take action. The Chairman of the Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny Committee confirmed that this issue was on the work programme for the Committee.
  • Protecting the Public – with regards to the "alcohol related violent crime incidents" measure, it was questioned whether the Council had figures in relation to Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO's). Officers confirmed that they would look into whether it would be possible to present this information.
  • Protecting and Sustaining the Environment – in relation to the Household Waste Recycling Centre recycling rates being below target, it was suggested whether there needed to be more national pressure on manufacturers and packaging companies to make the recycling symbols clearer to help improve recycling rates. It was further suggested that the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership should be asked to consider this issue in the first instance and then potentially refer the issue onto the Local Government Association (LGA) for its consideration.
  • Wellbeing – with regards to "Chlamydia diagnosis", it was noted that the biggest rise had been amongst people in their 50's and 60's yet the measure was focussed on young people. Officers highlighted that it was recognised that this was not necessary the best measure to report against, but it was a NHS England measure. It was suggested that it might be useful to find out what other counties who were performing better were doing to address the issue.




That the Board be reassured in relation to the performance for Quarter 1 against the Council Business Plan and the comments made by the Board be passed onto the Executive.



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