Agenda item

Highways Grass Cutting Arrangements

(To receive a report from Paul Little, Network Manager North, which updates the Committee on the maintenance of highways grass within the public highway in Lincolnshire.  It relates to the policy covered in the Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP) and aims to provide more detailed information on the delivery aspects of the service)


Consideration was given to a report which updated members on the maintenance of highway grass within the public highway in Lincolnshire.  It related to the policy covered in the Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) and aimed to provide more detailed information on the delivery aspects of the service.


The Committee was guided through the report, with particular focus on the following areas:

·         Previous regimes

·         Funding

·         Current arrangements

·         Programme

·         Parish agreements

·         Verge biomass

·         Protected verges


Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions to the officers present in relation to the information contained within the report and some of the points raised during discussion included the following:

·         It was confirmed that the transition allocation had been moved into the base budget.

·         It was queried whether the cuts in June and September were at the right time, and whether the June cut could be carried out a little earlier in the year.  It was suggested that this could reduce the number of complaints.

·         In relation to verge biomass, it was commented that the drainage boards had a lot of innovative equipment and it may be worthwhile speaking with them. 

·         It was confirmed that there would be two cuts per year.

·         It was acknowledged that Lincoln City did carry out additional cuts to the county cuts, about 10 in total, as part of a larger contract (this included the 2 County cuts).

·         There was support for the biomass project, and it was thought that residents would be pleased if the Council introduced this.

·         It was reported that there was a small budget for additional cuts which were required to improve visibility at road junctions etc.

·         Where verges had been damaged by vehicles cutting the grass, the authority could request the contractor put it right again.

·         The cuts should start at the same time in the north and the south of the county.

·         It was commented that for the first time 'verge creep' was being seen where plants from the verges were growing on the footpaths.

·         It was noted that some criticism had been received from parish and town councils the previous year and after this meeting it was intended that officers would write to all parishes before the end of the following week as they were now getting to the time of year where precepts were being looked at.  It was the intention to engage with as many of the parishes and town councils as possible to better understand local requirements.

·         It was noted that if there were protected verges they would be left off the programme.

·         It was commented that the timing of the cuts seemed to be abstract, and it was queried whether it would be better to cut at 25% and 75% through the year, so there was always 50% between cuts.  Members were advised that many different cutting schedules had been considered, but the timing of cuts would still be looked at.

·         It was commented that what the parishes wanted were accurate maps with boundaries clearly marked so they knew how much grass, in m2, they would have to take on.  If they were provided with this information it was suggested they may be more willing to take this role on.




            That the comments made in relation to the report be noted.

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