Agenda item

2017/18 Council Business Plan Quarter 2

(To receive a report by Jasmine Sodhi (Performance and Equalities Manager) which invites the Board to consider a report on the 2017/18 Council Business Plan Quarter 2 prior to it being considered by the Executive on 5 December 2017)


Consideration was given to a report by Jasmine Sodhi (Performance and Equalities Manager) which invited the Board to consider the 2017/18 Council Business Plan performance data for Quarter 2 which would be presented to the Executive at its meeting on 5 December 2017.


The report highlighted the following areas which provided an update from the Chairman of each scrutiny committee on elements thought to be of relevance to the Board:-

·       Plans to amend targets and measures no longer appropriate, i.e. flood risk management; carers receiving direct payments; carers supported to delay the care and support for the person cared for; and Household Waste Recycling;

·       All measures detailed which did not achieve the target in Quarter 2 also did not achieve the target at Quarter 1 with the exception of '16-17 year old Looked After Children participating in Learning' (where performance was expected to improve) and 'Health and Social Care staff trained in making Every Contact Count (MECC)' (where the annual target was expected to be achieved);

·       Measures outside of the direct responsibility of the County Council, e.g. reduction in drug and alcohol misuse, alcohol fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse, reoffending and the partnership working taking place to improve the outcome; and

·       Alternative local measures in place of or in addition to measures where there was a considerable lag in reporting, e.g. Lincolnshire CO2 reductions, permanent exclusions and timeframes for reporting.


The Board noted that:-

·       9 of the 14 Commissioning Strategies reported in Quarter 2 performed well and achieved target.  These included:-

o   Adult Frailty, Long Term Conditions and Physical Disability;

o   Children are safe and healthy;

o   Community resilience and assets;

o   How we effectively target our resources (combination of three commissioning strategies);

o   Safeguarding adults;

o   Specialist adult services; and

o   Sustaining and growing business and economy;

·       5 of the 14 Commissioning Strategies reported in Quarter 2 had mixed performance and some measured were not achieved.  These included:-

o   Carers;

o   Protecting the public;

o   Protecting and sustaining the environment;

o   Readiness for Adult Life; and

o   Wellbeing.


It was also noted that Appendix 1A provided a summary of the measures which did not achieve the target in Q2 and that all of the measures detailed had not achieved the target in Q1 and Q2 with the exception of '16-17 year old Looked After Children participating in learning' (where performance was expected to improve) and 'Health and Social Care staff trained in Making Every Contact Count (MECC)' (where the annual target was expected to be achieved).


The Board was content with the suggested changes at Appendix 1B to improve the Infographics to demonstrate the cumulative measure in addition to the quarterly figures.


The Chairman explained that, as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, he was required to provide a report to the Executive which reflected the discussions had in relation to this item.


During discussion, the following points were noted:-


Adult Care & Community Wellbeing

·       The Health Scrutiny Officer was invited to join the meeting to provide feedback in relation to performance of 'Carers Services' following a discussion at the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee on 29 November 2017.  It was reported that the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee had received a presentation from CarersFIRST and considered details of the service activity and case studies of carers.  It was confirmed to the Board that the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee was continuing to consider quarterly performance reports but was focusing on a 'theme' each quarter;

·       It was anticipated that the measures within Adult Care were to be improved and changed in line with service delivery within the Council Business Plan and that the proposed measures would be available by 12 December 2017;

·       Positive accounts had been received noting how well the direct payment system was working.  This was agreed but it was also noted that feedback from some carers had also found the process difficult to follow;

·       The Board understood the rationale for receiving themed performance reports at the Adults and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee meetings but was concerned that the areas which were not meeting targets were not also being considered and that these areas would continue to underperform without the right level of scrutiny;


Protecting and Sustaining the Environment

·       The concerns of the Environment Agency, as noted in bullet one on page 25 were confirmed as the types of materials recycling centres would accept.  There had been a number of incidents at various recycling sites which had resulted in the Environment Agency looking at what could be stored which was limiting these locations.  Although this was having an impact on recycling rates, the issues were being dealt with;

·       It was agreed to ask the Executive to give further consideration to household waste recycling centres and the expected decrease in the percentage of household waste recycled in Quarter 3 and Quarter 4.  Although it was explained that this was due to a reduction in composting as a result of weather changes and growing conditions over the winter period, the Board suggested that the Executive seek assurance from the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership that this was being addressed within the Joint Municipal Waste Strategy;


Readiness for Adult Life

·       The report noted that performance for '16-17 year old Looked After Children participating in learning' was below target and represented two young people  It was reported that both of these children had now been placed and the target met;

·       The second measure was not included within the report and it was agreed to circulate information on this to the Board following the meeting;



·       'Chlamydia Diagnosis' Service Credits had been implemented in June 2017 due to the continuing non-achievement of the chlamydia target.  The Board was advised that the national requirement for reporting chlamydia diagnoses was in 15-24 year olds only.  The Board was concerned that there were no figures recorded for older generations contracting chlamydia and asked for a breakdown of those over 24 years old;

·       The Board also asked for clarity on the figures as it was suggested it was difficult to understand what was actually being reported;


Successful Completion of Alcohol Treatment

·       It was confirmed that this performance area would now be part of the remit of the Adults & Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee as part of its public health responsibilities.  It was reported that a Director of Public Health had been appointed and would take up post in January/February 2018.  It was suggested that he be made aware of this work stream in order to ensure that the verified data had improved;


The Board asked that the Executive consider whether the rationale for targeting performance in certain areas should only be based on national indicators.  An example being that the national requirement for 'Chlamydia Diagnosis Service Credits' related only to the 15-24 year old age range which meant that no account was taken of incidence amongst over 24 year olds.  The Board considered that there would be advantages where data was available in reporting on local indicators of concern which were not necessarily a national priority. 


It was also suggested that in order to provide a 'real' picture that actual figures in addition to percentages be included in all future performance report.


The Chairman confirmed the following points which the Board would like the Executive to have to enable its consideration of this report:-

1.    The Board was content with the suggested changes at Appendix 1B to improve the Infographics to demonstrate the cumulative measure in addition to the quarterly figures;

2.    To give further consideration to recycling and to seek assurance from the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership that decrease in performance was being addressed within the Joint Municipal Waste Strategy;

3.    The Board asked that the Executive consider whether the rationale for targeting performance in certain areas should only be based on national indicators; and

4.    The Board had requested that actual figures, in addition to percentage figures, be included in all future performance reports.




          That the report, with the comments listed above presented to the Executive at its meeting on 5 December 2017, be noted.

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