Committee details

Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

The Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee comprises of eleven councillors, representing the political balance of the Council, plus seven non-executive councillors, appointed by each of Lincolnshire's seven district councils. 


The Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee will consider the following:-


The development and delivery of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy; including the delivery of the Lincolnshire Common Works Programme;


The effectiveness of the Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Drainage Management Partnership and related partnership developments;


Lincolnshire County Council's delivery of its local leadership role in relation to flood and water management;


The work of all flood risk management authorities operating within Lincolnshire;


The local implementation of the Environment Agency-led national Strategy for Flood Risk and Coastal Erosion;


Action plans relating to all relevant plans and strategies, such as (but not exclusively) Shoreline Management Plans and Catchment Flood Management Plans (main rivers);


All major strategic initiatives relating to water management;


The Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership's Water Management Board, including the development and implementation of its Water Management Plan; and


Any other matter with particular relevance to flood risk and water management within Lincolnshire or likely to affect Lincolnshire.


The meetings are usually held quarterly on a Monday at 10.00 a.m., in Committee Room One, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YL (unless otherwise stated).  The meetings are generally open to the public, unless otherwise specified.


The full terms of reference for the Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee are set out in Part 2 of the Council's Constitution.



Contact information

Support officer: Jess Wosser-Yates. Democratic Services Officer

Postal address:
County Offices

Phone: 01522 552334




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