Issue - decisions

Shared Lives Service Re-Procurement

17/04/2018 - Shared Lives Service Re-Procurement

That the Executive Councillor:


1.    Approves that the Shared Lives Service be re-commissioned and a procurement undertaken to deliver a contract, to be awarded to a single provider of a county-wide service for Shared Lives effective from the 3 January 2019.


2.    Approves the scope of the commissioned service generally set out in paragraph 7.1.1 of the Report and the contract duration set out in paragraph 7.4.1 of the Report.


3.    Delegates to the Executive Director of Adult Care and Community Wellbeing in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Adult Care Health and Children's Services the authority to determine the final form of the contract, to approve the award of the contract and entering into the contract, and any other legal documentation necessary to give effect to the decision set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.



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