Issue - decisions

Review of Financial Performance 2017/18

04/07/2018 - Review of Financial Performance 2017/18

(1)   That the carry forwards, as set out in paragraphs 1.100 to 1.102 and paragraph 1.105 of the report, which are made in line with the Council's Financial Regulations be noted;


(2)   That the proposals in paragraphs 1.103, 1.104 and 1.107 of the report relating to the treatment of underspends in excess of 1.0% be recommended to full Council for approval;


(3)   That the transfers to and from reserves carried out in 2017/18, as set out in Table E of the report, be noted; and


(4)   That the financial performance in 2017/18, including Flexible Use of Capital Receipts and the Prudential Indicators, be noted.



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