Issue - decisions

Mixed Dry Recycling Contract

18/06/2019 - Mixed Dry Recycling Contract

That the Executive Councillor:-


1)    Approves the award of a contract to 31 March 2020 for the receipt and reprocessing of mixed dry recyclates collected by the waste collection authorities to New Earth Solutions (West) Limited;


2)    Authorises the entering into of a new contract with, or the transferring of the existing contract with Mid UK Recycling Limited to, New Earth Solutions (West) Limited for the collection and disposal of mixed dry recyclates from the Council's Household Waste Recycling Centres; and


3)    Delegates to the Assistant Director – Communities in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Commercial and Environmental Management authority to determine the final form of and approve the entering into of all legal documentation necessary to give effect to the above decisions.






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