Agenda item

Performance - Quarter 4 2017/18

(To receive a report from Sally Savage, Chief Commissioning Officer – Children's Services, which provides key performance information for Quarter 4 2017/18 relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee)

NOTE: Appendix D to this report contains exempt information under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, and discussion of this information could result in the exclusion of the press and public)


Consideration was given to a report from Sally Savage, Chief Commissioning Officer, Children's Services, which provided the Committee with key performance information relating to Quarter 4 2017/18 relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee.


Attached to the report were the following Appendices for the Committee's consideration:-


·         Appendix A – Council Business Plan Measures;

·         Appendix B – Complaint and Compliments Report;

·         Appendix C – Ofsted School Status Report; and

·         Appendix D – Performance and Monitoring of Contracts – (Exempt Report)


The Committee was reminded that Appendix D to the report contained exempt information and if the Committee wished to discuss details pertaining to Appendix D, a vote would need to be taken to move into exempt session.


In guiding the Committee through the report the Chief Commissioning Officer, Children's Services responded to questions raised, which included the following issues:-


·         Page 113 - Juvenile First Time Offenders – Concern was expressed that the figures had increased.  Members were reminded that this issue would be covered in more detail in the Restorative Panels Pilot item  included on the agenda for the 20 July 2018 meeting;

·         Page 120 – Looked After Children – The number of children looked after.   The Committee was advised that the number of Looked After Children was currently 647; and confirmation was given that there had been a reduction in that number over the last year.  It was noted that the number of children looked after did fluctuate, as children came into care.  It was noted further that the focus on early intervention and supporting families had resulted in a reduction in the number of children becoming looked after; as well some children coming out of the system through adoption, special guardianship orders, child arrangement orders and returning home;

·         Page 124  - Average time taken to move a child from care to adoptive family –  Clarification was given that the target of 430 days covered the whole of the journey;

·         Page 132 - Care Leavers in suitable accommodation – It was noted that the number of care leavers in suitable accommodation had remained on target for the past 4 years. A question was asked as to whether this figure needed to be 100%, so that there was awareness as to where all care leavers were.  The Committee was advised that some care leavers were in prison, some were back with families, and it would therefore not be possible to have 100%.   However, reassurance was given that all care leavers had accommodation; and that the figure represented a small minority of 11 children in total;

·         Page 138 – Permanent exclusions - Some concern was expressed to the fact that the data supplied was so out of date.  Reassurance was given that going forward data for this indicator would be presented in a more meaningful way.  The Committee was advised that the number of exclusions had significantly reduced;

·         Page 140 – Achievement of the threshold in English and Maths - One member felt that the threshold for this indicator had been set too low.  Confirmation was given that the Lincolnshire target set at 42.4% compared favourably to the regional East Midlands figure of 41.7% and to the Council's Statistical Neighbour Average (41.4%).  It was highlighted that due to changes in grading between 2015/16 and 2016/17 it was not possible to accurately compare year on year.  The Committee noted that the target set was in line with the National Average of 43%; and

·         Page 122 – Children who are subject to a child protection plan – A question was asked as to how many children had been the subject of a child protection plan.  The Committee was advised that a child protection plan was a very robust plan, which was drawn up by the local authority.  The plan set out how a child could be kept safe, how things could be made better for the family; and what support would be needed for the family.  The Committee as advised that there were 118 children that were in the court process and were not therefore on a plan; and 131 with a relative or being fostered who would be subject to a plan.  A question was also asked as to whether these children were subject to multi-agency conferences; and whether the outcome of the conference would negate the need for a future plan.  Officers agreed to look into this matter.


At this point in the meeting, it was moved, seconded and




That in accordance with Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for consideration of Appendix D to the report on the grounds that if they were present there could be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


The Chairman invited members of the Committee to ask questions in relation to Appendix D of the report and officers responded to questions raised.




That the performance for Quarter 4 2017/18 be received by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee; and that officers note the comments raised by the Committee.

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