Agenda item

Teachers' Pay Grant - Update September 2018

(To receive a report from Mark Popplewell, Head of Finance, Children's Services, which provides the Schools' Forum with an update to the government's announcement on the 'teachers' pay grant' covering 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years)


The Forum gave consideration to a report from Mark Popplewell, Head of Finance, Children's Services, which provided the Schools Forum with an update to the government's announcements on the 'teachers' pay grant' covering 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years.


In guiding the Forum through the report Elizabeth Bowes, Strategic Finance Manager, School Finance Team advised that the Education Secretary had confirmed on the 24 July 2018 the investment of £508m (£187m in 2018/19 and £321m in 2019/20) to fund the pay deal; and that on 14 September 2018 the DfE confirmed the position of the funding to support schools in meeting the cost of the teachers' pay award through the 'teachers' pay grant' covering 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years.


Details of the 'teachers' pay grant' were shown on page 26 of the report.


It was noted that the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) would be providing further detailed guidance and information.  The report highlighted what the ESFA had already confirmed; and that the LA recommended that all schools should undertake prudent financial planning by incorporating potential pay cost increases in future financial years.


It was highlighted that the LA had been following up with the DfE on a number of issues relating to the announcement, particularly on the point of a schools financial planning for future pay awards. 


It was highlighted that the LA process would involve a consultation with the Trade Unions in October 2018, on the final pay policy with the intention of publishing the policy in early November 2018 for Community Schools.


In conclusion, it was highlighted that it was unlikely that the pay award would be implemented until December 2018 pay, backdated to 1 September 2018.


During discussion, the Forum raised the following points:-


·         Some of the Forum expressed their disappointment with the DfE; as the process had been unhelpful and unclear to schools as to what was being funded;

·         One member enquired as to whether national insurance and pension contributions were included.  Officers advised that the detail had not been received, but it was expected that these had been incorporated.  A further question was asked whether the amount would cover the costs for schools.  Officers advised that it was a contribution towards the costs, since the DfE expected schools to finance the first percent as schools had budgeted for a 1% pay rise.  The Forum was advised that frustrations had been expressed at a recent Secondary Headteachers briefing; and that there was a will for the County to do a collective response.  The Forum was advised further that the Council was content with facilitating the collective response;

·         A question was asked as to why primary school teachers would receive less funding.  Officers advised that this was as a result of the pupil to teacher ratio.  Primary schools had more children per teacher than that of secondary schools; and

·         One member highlighted that teachers were worthy of a pay rise; but some frustration was expressed on the impact on children and schools as a result of the pay rise.  It was highlighted that some teachers on the main pay scale would not get a real term pay rise.




            That the Teachers' Pay Grant Update report be noted.

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