Agenda item

Annual Report on the Independent Chair's Service

(To receive a report from Carolyn Knight, Quality and Standards Manager, which invites the Corporate Parenting Panel to consider the Annual Report on the Independent Chair's Service)


Consideration was given to a report from Carolyn Knight, Quality and Standards Manager, which invited the Panel to consider the Annual Report on the Independent Chair's Service.


The Quality and Standards Manager presented the report and advised that Panel that every child who was 'looked after' by Lincolnshire County Council had to have a Care Plan.  It was highlighted that this document detailed the long-term plan for the child's upbringing and the arrangements made by Lincolnshire Children's Services to meet the child's day-to-day needs.  The Panel was also advised that there was a legal requirement for every child who was looked after to have an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) appointed to them under Section 118 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002.  Details of the statutory duties of the Independent Reviewing Officer were shown at the bottom of page 33.


The Panel noted that it was a statutory requirement to provide an annual report in respect of the Local Authority's Independent Reviewing Service.  Appendix A to the report provided a copy of the Annual Report on the Independent Chair's Service for the Panel's consideration. 


The Panel was advised that the actions from the previous year were either complete, or in the process of being completed.  The report provided an update on what had been done throughout the year; the number of Looked After Children and the IRO Service; Child Protection; Quality Assurance of the IRO Service; and the priorities for 2019/20.


The Panel were invited to consider the Annual Report and endorse the priorities for 2019/20.


During discussion, the Panel raised the following issues:-


·         Stability of Staff within the Service – One member highlighted the positive effect stability of staff had on the service.  The Panel was advised that the vacancy rate in Children's Services was currently at 3.7%;

·         One member suggested that the report needed comments from Looked After Children; and pictorial evidence to bring the document alive;

·         Page 61 – Children's views about their review and conferences. One member felt that the paragraph was too short to identify any general issues.  The Panel was advised that action plans were in place to address any concerns.  The Panel was advised further that the young inspectors were doing some work regarding young people being in control of their meetings; and some specific training was being developed on how young people should chair their own meeting.  Panel members requested an update on the work being undertaken by the young inspectors being presented to a future meeting; and

·         Page 63 – Priorities for 2019/20 – second bullet point – Clarification was sort as to whether the 'To engage parents more pro-actively' referred to birth parents.  The Panel was advised that this priority was referring to birth parents.  One member highlighted that having a birth parent engaged was very important for the child.


In conclusion, the Panel welcomed the report and the progress made.




1.    That the Annual report of the Independent Chair's Service be received and that the priorities for 2019/20 as detailed in the report be endorsed.


2.    That an update on the work of the Young Inspectors with regard to reviews be received by the Panel at a future meeting.

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