Agenda item

Progress Report by Scrutiny Panel B of its Review of Overview and Scrutiny

(To receive a report by Councillor Angela Newton (Chairman of Scrutiny Panel B), which provides an update of the work undertaken by Scrutiny Panel B so far, and the work planned prior to the conclusion of the review)


Consideration was given to a report by Councillor Mrs A M Newton, Chairman of Scrutiny Panel B, which provided an update of the work undertaken so far by Scrutiny Panel B of its Review of Overview and Scrutiny; and the work planned prior to the conclusion of the review.


Further to the report, Members had been provided with additional information which detailed the Panel's initial findings:

·       There was no suggestion that the overall number of overview and scrutiny committees needed to change. The Panel was due to consider an item on the role of the Safeguarding Boards Scrutiny Sub-Group.

·       More attention should be paid to the 'overview' element of overview and scrutiny, in particular whether overview and scrutiny committees could become involved in some aspects of policy development and proposed decisions at an earlier stage.

·       Support and training for all scrutiny councillors needed to be considered, for example developing questioning skills and understanding of local authority budget processes.

·       Chairmen of scrutiny committees should be advised of the statutory provision and should use their discretion to ensure that all relevant organisations were invited to contribute towards scrutiny.

·       The Panel was satisfied with the resources available for overview and scrutiny, including the support arrangements for the overview and scrutiny function, which were based on the 'specialist' model, with dedicated scrutiny officers providing support for the overview and scrutiny committees and the scrutiny review processes.


The Board considered the report, and Members reiterated the importance of regular training, particularly on questioning skills.


The Head of Democratic Services and Statutory Scrutiny Officer advised that the Centre for Public Scrutiny had advertised training sessions in early 2020, and officers would ensure that they informed scrutiny members about these.


It was suggested that officers investigated whether it was more cost effective and overall more beneficial to bring the training in-house.




That the following be noted:


  1. that Scrutiny Panel B had so far considered: -


·      each chapter of the Statutory Guidance on Overview and Scrutiny in Local and Combined Authorities (issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in May 2019)

·      the existing executive – scrutiny protocol, entitled Developing Relationships Between the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny;

·      the statutory scrutiny officer role and resourcing for overview and scrutiny in Democratic Services;

·      clarifications of two aspects of the legislation; and

·      analysis of activity of the overview and scrutiny function.


  1. that Scrutiny Panel B was due to consider: -


·      the Peer Review of Lincolnshire County Council (September 2019) and any relevant findings for the review;

·      discussions with the Leader of the Council, the Head of Paid Service and the Head of Communications;

·      questioning skills and support and training for overview and scrutiny councillors;

·      questionnaire responses from chairmen of overview and scrutiny committees;

·      analysis of the outcomes of the overview and scrutiny function; 

·      role of Scrutiny Panel A and Scrutiny Panel B in scrutiny review process; and

·      the role of the Safeguarding Boards Scrutiny Sub Group. 



  1. the initial findings of the review.


  1. that Scrutiny Panel B's draft final report would be submitted to this Board on 26 March 2020, prior to its consideration by the Executive on 5 May 2020. 


  1. That the feedback from the Board regarding Member training be provided to Scrutiny Panel B.


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