Agenda item

Performance Reporting against the Council Business Plan 2019/2020 - Quarter 3

(To receive a report by Jasmine Sodhi, Performance and Equalities Manager, which invites the Board to consider a report on the 2019/20 Council Business Plan Quarter 3 performance, which will be presented to the Executive on 3 March 2020. The views of the Board will be reported to the Executive as part of its consideration of this item)


Consideration was given to a report by the Performance and Equalities Manager, which invited the Board to consider a report on the 2019/20 Council Business Plan Quarter 3 performance, which would be presented to the Executive on 3 March 2020.


Members were provided with the headline Quarter 3 performance which was generally positive. Out of the measures recorded, 6 had performed really well; 8 had performed well; and 1 had mixed performance.


A summary of measures where services had highlighted success and those that did not achieve the target were attached to Appendix A and Appendix B to the Executive report.


Appendix 2 detailed the performance of the measures which fell under the remit of the Board.


The Board was advised that there had been a proposed amendment to Measure 72 – 'Flooding Incidents within a Property', which had been circulated by email prior to the meeting. The measure's title and description had been amended to avoid ambiguity.


Members discussed the report, in which the following points were noted:


  • Reported incidents of domestic abuse (M7) – this measure included new cases and repeat offences. A breakdown of cases by gender was requested by the Board.
  • Increase in 16-17 year old Looked After Children participating in learning (M45) – The dip in performance for Quarter 2 (July to September 2019) was due to the timing of the data as there was a data lag about where young people were at the start of the term.
  • Members requested further information on how Officers supported departments to achieve the targets. It was agreed that this information be provided and circulated to Members.
  • Household Waste Recycled (M78) – the contamination rate was 30%, which was comparable to last year. The Board requested information on how the District Councils were defining contamination, for example was an empty can classed as contamination if it had not been rinsed out with water.
  • The Board also requested to know how the District Councils were communicating this to residents and whether there was a subsequent change in behaviour evidenced by a reduction in contamination in any of the Districts. It was noted that Boston Borough Council had been a trial area for paper and card contamination and that it was working well.
  • Sickness Absence (M92) – the Board commended how well the Council was doing compared to other benchmarking authorities. It was confirmed that the sickness absence figures were showing a downward trend.
  • Visits to Core Libraries and Mobile Library Services (M36) – the IT provision in libraries was provided independently from the Council by Greenwich Leisure Limited, and was now in a fit state due to the completion of the IT refresh. A marketing plan was now in place to encourage customers back to libraries which should have a positive impact on visitor numbers.
  • Members questioned how Officers could ensure that the children in private care homes which were not Council ran were provided with an adequate level of safeguarding. It was noted that Children's Services were only responsible for the children that were placed by LCC. However, there were a large number of children placed within Lincolnshire from other Local Authorities, which was an issue. Although LCC should be notified when children were placed into Lincolnshire, this was not always the case. It was suggested that this issue could be considered by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee.
  • Adults aged 18-64 with a mental health problem living independently (M117) – it was acknowledged that it could be difficult to meet the target every time as it was dependent on who was receiving support at that time.


The Board agreed to support the recommendations to the Executive, as set out in the report.




1.    That the Board support the recommendations to the Executive,     as set out in the report;

2.    That a summary of the above comments be passed on to the         Executive as part of its consideration of this item


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