Agenda item

Theme Performance - Quarter 1 2017/18

(To receive a report from Sally Savage, Chief Commissioning Officer – Children's Services, which provides key performance information for Quarter 1 2017/18 relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee.  Please note that Appendix D to this report contains exempt information under Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, and discussion of this information could result in the exclusion of the press and public)


Consideration was given to a report from Debbie Barnes, Executive Director of Children's Services, which provided the Committee with key performance information for Quarter 1 2017/18, relevant to the work of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee.


Attached to the report were the following Appendices:-


·         Appendix A – Council Business Plan Measures

·         Appendix B – Complaint and Compliments Report

·         Appendix C – Ofsted School Status Report

·         Appendix D – Performance Monitoring of Contracts – Exempt


The Committee was reminded that Appendix D to the report contained exempt information, and if the Committee wished to discuss details pertaining to Appendix D, a vote would need to be taken to move into exempt session.


In guiding the Committee through the report the Chief Commissioning Officer Children's Services made particular reference to indicators that had not been achieved or were improving, but not achieved, these were:-


·         Page 175 – Juvenile first time offenders – The Committee was advised that a lower number of young people were entering the criminal justice system for the first time, indicated better performance.  It was further noted that the number of young people entering the criminal justice system for the first time was mostly controlled by external influences.  It was reported that there was no expectation that the figure was likely to rise sharply in the near future.  Reference was also made to the diversionary project being conducted in partnership with Lincolnshire Police;

·         Page 181 – Looked After Children – It was noted that there had been a rise in the number of children looked after over the last two quarters; and that the senior management team were undertaking a number of measures to understand what was causing the increase; and to have  assurance that those coming into care were appropriate; and that there were robust exit strategies in place;

·         Page 183 - Children who are subject to a Child Protection Plan – The Committee noted that the performance for this indicator had exceeded its target;

·         Appendix B – Customer Satisfaction Information – One member enquired as to why the number of complaints had reduced.  Officers advised that this was due to school data being removed; and

·         Page 197 – A question was asked as to why the percentage relating to secondary schools appeared to be disproportionally higher than others.  Officers reassured the Committee that the figures related to Academies and that relationships with Academies remained positive; as did relationships with the Regional Schools Commissioner.  One member expressed concern as to whether the views of the local authority were taken into consideration when being reviewed by the Regional Schools Commissioner.  Officers confirmed that legally the Regional Schools Commissioner did not have to note any issues, however due to the improved working relationship, this was now improving.


At this point in the meeting it was moved, seconded and




That in accordance with Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for consideration of Appendix D to the report on the grounds that if they were present there could be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


The Chairman invited members of the Committee to ask questions in relation to Appendix D of the report and officers responded to questions raised.




That the performance for Quarter 1 2017/18 be received by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee; and that officers note the comments raised by the Committee.

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