Issue - decisions

Business World ERP System Re-design

17/12/2019 - Business World ERP System Re-design

(1)          That the Business World enterprise resource planning system be re?designed, in order to rectify the issues that the Council and schools are facing.


(2)          That the re-design be effected by moving to the existing Business World platform operated by Hoople Limited.


(3)          That approval be given to the Council becoming a member of Hoople Limited, by the acquisition of shares in the company.


(4)          That the Assistant Director - Corporate Transformation, Programmes and Performance be appointed as the Council's representative to exercise the Council's powers as member of the company.


(5)          That approval be given to the entering into a contract by the Council with Hoople Limited, for the implementation and ongoing provision of services for making available to the Council Hoople Limited's Business World platform and the hosting of the Council's data on that platform.


(6)          That the commissioning of specialist external consultancy services to support the Council to prepare the existing Business World system for migration to the Hoople platform be approved.


(7)          That the Executive Director – Commercial, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and IT, be delegated authority to take all decisions necessary to ensure the entering into of the above arrangements, to include the final form and entering into of all contracts and other legal documentation with Hoople Limited and other third parties.



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