Outside body

Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) Management Committee


ESPO is governed by a Management Committee which comprises up to 2 councillors from each member authority. The Committee has ultimate responsibility for the management and direction of ESPO and its operation. It also reviews and monitors the efficiency and effectiveness of ESPOs services.


In addition to the Management Committee [and Bonus Sub-Committee, comprising 1 councillor from each member authority, which considers bonus criteria and payments to ESPO officers/Member Authorities], a Senior Officer Group (SOG) has also been established. SOG comprises officer representatives appointed by each Member Authority. Its remit is to provide a regular dialogue between the Director of ESPO and Member Authorities on matters of common interest, including meetings with the Director after each Management Committee, in order to ensure that the policies and objectives of ESPO and those member authorities are compatible.


Whilst there is a hierarchy of reporting, there are lines of communications which cut through all structures – between the Management Committee and ESPO, SOG and ESPO and between SOG and individual members of the Management Committee. 


Contact information

Anna Poole
Democratic Services Officer

Democratic Services
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall
Glenfield, Leics

Phone: 0116 305 0354

Website: http://politics.leics.gov.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=704

Lincolnshire Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Our representatives



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