Issue - meetings

Performance Reporting against the Council Business Plan - Quarter 1

Meeting: 03/09/2019 - Executive (Item 23)

23 Performance Reporting against the Council Business Plan - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 163 KB

(To receive a report from the Executive Director - Commercial, which presents an overview of performance for Quarter 1 against the Council Business Plan)


Additional documents:


(1)  That the Quarter 1 performance 2019/2020 be noted.


(2)  That the proposed changes to reporting, as set out in this report, be approved.


(3)  That any future proposed changes to reporting become the exception, rather than the norm.


Consideration was given to a report from the Executive Director – Commercial, which presented an overview of performance for Quarter 1 against the Council Business Plan.


The Performance and Equalities Manager advised that of the 14 commissioning strategies reported in Quarter 1: ten had performed really well; two had performed well; and two had mixed performance.  A summary of those measures where services had highlighted success in Quarter 1 was detailed at Appendix A to the report.  Similarly, a summary of those measures where the target was not achieved in Quarter 1 was detailed at Appendix B.


The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board advised that the Board had considered the Executive report at its meeting on 29 August 2019 and had agreed to support the recommendations to the Executive.  The Chairman of the Board presented the detailed comments to the Executive. 


During consideration of the report and scrutiny comments, the following points were noted: -


·         In relation to the data expected in Quarter 1 but not available, as outlined in section 4 of the report, it had been clarified to the Board that the data for Reduce Carbon Emissions (Measure 74) and Lincolnshire CO2 reductions (Measure 75) would always be reported in Quarter 2, rather than Quarter 1 each year owing to the timing and availability of the data.  The Executive queried whether it was feasible for this to be reported on a quarterly or six monthly basis, rather than annually.

·         It was highlighted that the Household Waste Recycling Centre recycling rate (Measure 76) for Quarter 1 was expected to be higher than the forecast for the year overall, owing to the growing conditions in Quarter 1, which had resulted in more compostable green waste.  It was explained that the increase in performance was owing to partnership working.  It was also highlighted that the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership was committed to working towards a consistent recycling mix across all districts, which would help provide clarity to members of the public.

·         A discussion took place regarding Measure 111 – People successfully supported to quit smoking. It had been highlighted to the Board that recent reports had suggested that vaping was also dangerous, but there was a public perception that it was seen to be safer.  The Executive was advised that research so far had led Public Health England to advise that it was too early to determine whether there were any potential long term health issues.  However, the public health community remained concerned about any potential health issues.  Furthermore, it was advised that at the County Council designated smoking areas were available to staff.  However, this could be reviewed if deemed necessary.

·         Sickness Absence (Measure 92) - The Executive Councillor for Community Safety and People Management advised that the target of 7.5 days per annum of sickness for each full time equivalent employee had not yet been agreed and consideration was currently being given to different targets for different service areas. 

·         Visits to core libraries and mobile library  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23



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