Issue - meetings

To enter into a Section 113 agreement with North and North East Lincolnshire for Public Health Services

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Executive (Item 61)

61 To enter into a Section 113 agreement with North and North East Lincolnshire for Public Health Services pdf icon PDF 843 KB

(To receive a report by the Chief Executive which seeks formal approval for Lincolnshire County Council to enter into Agreements under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972 with North and North East Lincolnshire Councils with regard to the delivery of Public Health subject to ongoing engagement and agreement with the UK Health Security Agency and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)


1.    That the entering into by the County Council of Agreements under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972 with North Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Council as set out in the report, subject to the ongoing engagement and agreement with the UK Health Security Agency and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, be approved.


2.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Care and Community Wellbeing to determine the final form and approve the entering into of the said Agreements.


The Executive received a report on behalf of the Chief Executive, which set out details of an in principle agreement, following formal discussions with North and North East Lincolnshire, to pilot and test a public health arrangement across Greater Lincolnshire, subject to ongoing engagement and agreement with the UK Health Security Agency and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.


The report sought formal approval for Lincolnshire County Council to enter into Agreements under Section 113 of the Local Government  Act 1972 with North and North East Lincolnshire with regard to the delivery of Public Health.


During discussion by the Executive, the following points were raised:


·       It was clarified that this was a pilot which would last for 12 – 18 months, and a governance group would be established to oversee the pilot and would include representatives from the ICS and portfolio holders from the three authorities. 

·       It was expected that this would be a more efficient use of resources and would provide better outcomes for residents.

·       It was confirmed that the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, was supportive of the pilot.

·       Concerns had been raised by the Adult and Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee regarding whether this would affect services for Lincolnshire residents.  However, members were reassured that there would be an oversight group which would be able to monitor this.  There would be time to understand the strengths and challenges of the arrangement, and discussions were underway with external organisations about providing independent evaluation.

·       It was believed that this arrangement would provided a stronger and more robust public health function.




1.    That the entering into by the County Council of Agreements under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972 with North Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Council as set out in the report, subject to the ongoing engagement and agreement with the UK Health Security Agency and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, be approved.


2.    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Care and Community Wellbeing to determine the final form and approve the entering into of the said Agreements.



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