Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL. View directions

Contact: Steve Blagg  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies/replacement members


The Chief Executive reported that under the Local Government (Committee and Political Groups) Regulations 1990, he had appointed Councillor A M Austin to the Committee, in place of Councillor Ms T Keywood-Wainwright, for this meeting only.


Declarations of Members' Interests


Councillor T M Trollope-Bellew requested that a note should be made in the minutes that he had attended meetings of Baston Parish Council when the planning application had been discussed but had not made any comment during the discussions (minute 102).


Minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Regulation Committee held on 11 April 2016 pdf icon PDF 111 KB




That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Regulation Committee held on 11 April 2016, be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Traffic Item


Lincoln - Mint Lane, Corporation Street and Clasketgate. Proposed evening taxi ranks to be introduced on existing Disabled Parking Bay, Goods Vehicle Loading Only Bay and Limited Waiting Bay pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report in connection with an objection received to a proposal to convert a disabled parking bay, goods vehicle loading only bay and limited waiting bay to dual use as evening taxi ranks, on Mint Lane, Corporation Street and Clasketgate, Lincoln.


The report gave details of the proposal, consultations, objection received and the comments of officers on the objection received.


Discussion between the Committee and officers included the following:-


1. The loss of free parking for visitors and the effect on the local economy.

2. Parking for visitors to Lincoln was expensive.

3. It was noted that all Hackney Carriage Taxis currently parked at the Railway Station. Officers stated that the licensing of Hackney Carriage Taxis was a City of Lincoln responsibility and they supported the provision of additional parking for Hackney Carriage Taxis in the areas proposed in the report.

4. Was it possible to provide a special coach to take people away from this area of Lincoln? Officers stated that this option had been suggested already but was found to be unpractical because people left the City at various times. Also, it was only possible to consider the option detailed in the report as it would be necessary to re-consult if other options were considered.

5. There was already adequate private parking provision in Lincoln and the proposals in the report only involved only a small reduction of private parking.

6. Lincoln's night life was very busy and there was a need to remove people as quickly as possible.


On a motion by Councillor M S Jones, seconded by Councillor I G Fleetwood, it was –


RESOLVED (13 votes for, 0 votes against and 1 abstention)


That the objection be overruled and that the order be confirmed as proposed at consultation.



County Council Applications pdf icon PDF 11 KB

Additional documents:


To remove condition 4 of planning permission S7/0287/92 (vehicular parking) at Baston Church of England Primary School, 103a Main Street, Baston - S7/0478/16 pdf icon PDF 626 KB

Additional documents:


Since the publication of the report a response to consultation had been received from Baston Church of England Primary School to comments made by Baston Parish Council, sent to Planning Officers on 25 April 2016, as detailed in the update to the Committee.


Councillor T M Trollope-Bellew tabled correspondence to the Committee as follows:-


1. An email from Neil McBride, Development Manager, to Councillor Trollope-Bellew, dated 13 June 2013.

2. A number of exchanged emails between Alan Hutchins and the Clerk of Baston Parish Council.

3. A letter from the Clerk of Baston Parish Council to Mrs Rebecca Mills, Headteacher, Baston Church of England Primary School, dated 16 September 2014.

4. A letter from Mrs Rebecca Mills, Headteacher, Baston Church of England Primary School, dated 25 September 2014, to the Clerk of Baston Parish Council.

5. A letter from the Clerk of Baston Parish Council to the County Council's Planning Enforcement, dated 19 November 2014.

6. A letter from the County Council's Development Manager to the Clerk of Baston Parish Council, dated 4 December 2014.


Simon Gledhill, representing the applicant, commented as follows:-


1. Young children did not have any concept of road safety.

2. Since 1992, when the original parking at the school had been planned, there had been an increase in the number of children on roll at the school, more housing development and an increase in traffic.

3. The number of children and teachers living further away from the school had increased. In 1992, all of the teaching staff lived in the village and the majority of the children lived in the village.

4. Parents now had freedom of choice to which school they sent their child to whereas in 1992 a child attended the school in their catchment area.


Simon Gledhill responded to questions from the Committee as follows:-


1. He was a former Police Officer and had been trained on safeguarding matters.

2. There were twenty members of staff and to provide additional parking on the school site would mean using part of the playing field to provide parking.

3. What worked well for parking in 1992 was no longer the case due to the increase in size of the school and the fact that there was an increase use of the car to transport children to school.

4. There was no such thing as "drop off/pick up" points.

5. The school had been burnt down by a fire and it was important that emergency vehicles did not have access issues on entering and leaving the school.

6. Parking for parents on the school site was not banned.

7. Children were encouraged to walk and cycle to school as part of the Travel Plan. Also, the local pub was used by parents to park their cars.

8. The school did not have the capacity to escort children to school.

9. Parents of disabled children were allowed to park at the school.

10. Parking permits existed for the school and these were required to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 102.


Other Reports


Performance of Handling Planning Applications by the County Council as Planning Authority for 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To receive a report which provides information on planning determination performance during the financial year 2015/2016 and the time taken to determine planning applications.  It also provides information on the extent of formal enforcement action undertaken during the last financial year.


The Committee received a report in connection with information on planning application determination performance during the financial year 2015/16.




That the report be noted and appropriate publicity be given of the Council's performance in determining planning applications during the last financial year.



Original Text: