Agenda item

Scrutiny Committee Work Programmes

(To receive a report which sets out the work programmes of the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee; and the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee, in accordance with the Board's agreed programme)



The Board reviewed the Work Programmes of two of the Scrutiny Committees:


Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee:


The Chairman of the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee highlighted some of the key issues that the committee had considered since the last OSMB meeting.


It was noted that the committee had considered a report on high street vitality, and as a result, a working group had been set up which would focus on high street vitality within Lincolnshire.


The Committee had also received an update on the Greater Lincolnshire Local Industrial Strategy, and reported that it looked positive for businesses looking to relocate to Lincolnshire.


Concerns had been raised over the permitted development for shale gas exploration and the Committee had unanimously endorsed the need for timely planning decisions whilst also ensuring local communities were fully involved in planning decisions for developments that will not impact on them.


In relation to the Joint Municipal Waste Strategy, members were informed that the food waste trial in South Kesteven was proving successful. There was also a focus on controlling contamination of recycling within the districts.


Some Members of the Board felt that more work needed to be done to ensure that there was a common strategy between the districts. It was clarified that the Joint Municipal Waste Strategy was focussing on partnership working and a common strategy for the County. 


Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee


The Chairman of the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee provided an update on the work of the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee over recent months.


The Committee had considered the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan and had supported a robust Asset Management Plan as an instrumental tool towards achieving the aim of maintaining Band 3 Highways status and align with the Well Maintained Highways – Code of Practice. The Committee had unanimously supported the recommendations to the Executive Councillor on this item.


It was noted that the Committee had reviewed the CCTV enforcement trial which had been implemented outside eight schools within the County in an attempt to monitor motorist's behaviour on school clear markings. Members were informed that the Committee had endorsed that the trial be extended for a further 12 months until the end of 2019.


In response to a question, the Chairman of Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee explained that the parking situation had improved when CCTV vehicles were present as cameras were acting as a deterrent, but the introduction of fixed cameras was considered too costly.


The Parent Governor Representative reported that at Baston C of E Primary School, staff members had actively worked to improve the parking situation and it had proved to be extremely successful. The Parent Governor agreed to put together an action plan based on measures taken at Baston C of E Primary School and share them with the Chairman of the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee.


One member suggested that districts would be consulted in the development of the cycling strategy, as some districts had their own cycling strategies in place.




1.   That the Board was satisfied with the content of the Work Programmes of the Environment and Economy; and the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee's.


2.   That the Parent Governor Representative produce an action plan based on previous measures taken at Baston C of E Primary School to resolve parking issues


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