Agenda item

Lincolnshire County Council Corporate Plan 2019/29


A report by the Head of Paid Service had been circulated.


It was moved, seconded and




That the Council:-


1.    Approves the principle of a 10 year Corporate Plan to form part of the Policy Framework in place of the Business Plan


2.    Approves the vision and strategic ambitions set out in Appendix A to the report as the basis for development of the Corporate Plan.


3.    Approves the Corporate Leadership Team, working with the Executive, Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (OSMB) and other stakeholders to develop the details of the Corporate Plan to include the vision, the strategic ambitions, how success will be measured and the strategic changes needed to fulfil the aspirations and expectations of Lincolnshire's communities.


4.    Agrees that the final version of the Corporate Plan be presented back to this Council in December 2019 for final approval and adoption.


An amendment was moved and seconded as follows:


Page 1 after Our vision for Lincolnshire delete next 5 lines of writing and replace with


A Great Place to Live: We want Lincolnshire to be a great place for everyone of all ages and backgrounds to be able to live life to the full in safe and supportive communities.


Enhancing Quality of Life: We want to create more well paid jobs, improve the health and well-being of all of our residents particularly those who are currently socially excluded by reason of age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, health or lack of mobility.


Looking after our Environment:  We want Lincolnshire to respond positively to the Climate Change agenda in order to protect and enhance our natural environment for the benefit of today's and tomorrow's residents.


Resident Satisfaction: We want our services whether delivered by the County Council, by our contractors or in partnership with other organisations, to meet the needs of our residents and be second to none


Page 2 under Our Ambitions

Second Section Replace 'their best life' with 'enjoy life to the full'

Replace 'Provide opportunities for a fulfilling life' - 5th bullet point – with 'Enable people as they grow older to remain active and independent for as long as possible'


Debate took place and upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


Debate took place and upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


It was




That the Council:-


1.    Approves the principle of a 10 year Corporate Plan to form part of the Policy Framework in place of the Business Plan


2.    Approves the vision and strategic ambitions set out in Appendix A to the report as the basis for development of the Corporate Plan.


3.    Approves the Corporate Leadership Team, working with the Executive, Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (OSMB) and other stakeholders to develop the details of the Corporate Plan to include the vision, the strategic ambitions, how success will be measured and the strategic changes needed to fulfil the aspirations and expectations of Lincolnshire's communities.


4.    Agrees that the final version of the Corporate Plan be presented back to this Council in December 2019 for final approval and adoption.


Supporting documents:



Original Text: