Agenda item

Children's Centres Progress and Successes


Cornelia Andrecut, Head of Service Locality, introduced the report which provided an update in relation to Lincolnshire Children's Centres, demonstrating outcomes for Lincolnshire families and identifying areas requiring development.


During discussion, the following points were noted:-


·       Some concern was noted in relation to the presentation of the report and the content which did not explain clearly what the statutory duties were in relation to the Children's Centres thereby making it difficult for Members to successfully compare the requirements against performance.  It was agreed that the context of the report was written in such a way that those working in that area would easily understand the content but not for those who don't.

·       It was noted that the report presented was a progress report from a monitoring report from previous scrutiny arrangements which is why the report had been presented in that format.  This was accepted by the Committee who requested that future reports be more understandable.

·       Despite the high priority to encourage and support new mothers in breast feeding, it was hoped that as much support was being provided to mothers who were physically unable to breastfeed.  It was confirmed that all mothers were supported within the Children's Centres.

·       There remained a small percentage of children who had not accessed early years sessions.  Following a scrutiny review into "Narrowing the Gap" it had been suggested to offer 2-year olds access to 15 hours of early years education per week.  The target was to provide 40% of economically disadvantaged 2 year olds with 15 hours of early education by September 2014 and LCC were scheduled to meet that target.

·       Ethnic minorities remained a hard to reach group but specific activities were in place to try and increase attendance from those groups.  Children's Centres also have parent engagement at management board to ensure the Centres are fully aware of the issues and challenges faced by certain communities.

·       Marketing strategies were being developed to focus on those who weren't currently registered and how to encourage them to attend.  More outreach work was being undertaken, although obstacles have been faced in information sharing between services.  That situation had been rectified and the information was now available so the marketing was being redeveloped to target these families.  It was acknowledged that marketing of these services needed to move in line with modern society and therefore social networking, apps, etc, were being considered.

·       The differing levels of need across the county were acknowledged and it was agreed that Children's Centres needed to have systems in place to respond to changing need.

·       Support for fathers was also available and, where need had been identified, fathers groups had been developed and were running successfully.  There was an issue with transition to new contracts but this was resolving.

·       Members were encouraged to visit Children's Centres and were advised that CRB/DBS checks would not be necessary if accompanied by a member of staff.




1.    That the report be noted;

2.    That further work around Children's Centres be undertaken and Members offered an opportunity to visit.

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