Agenda item

Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group

(To receive a report from the Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group, which provides the Committee with background on the establishment of the new Clinical Commissioning Group.  A senior representative from the Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group will be in attendance for this item) 


The Chairman invited John Turner, Chief Executive, Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (LCCG) to provide the Committee with an update on the new Clinical Commissioning Group arrangements in Lincolnshire.


The Committee was advised that the new CCG for Lincolnshire had been established with effect from 1 April 2020.  It was noted that the merger of the four former CCGs into a new Lincolnshire CCG had not directly affected front line service provision.  It was noted further that CCGs were responsible for the commissioning of most health services, including mental health services, urgent and emergency care, elective hospital services and community care.


The Committee noted that the CCG Board (formally referred to as the governing body) comprised of:


·               The Chair

·               The Chief Executive

·               Director of Finance

·               Director of Nursing

·               Secondary Care Doctor

·               Seven Non-Executive Directors

·               Four Locality Clinical Leads; and

·               Two Primary Care Leads '


It was highlighted that the new organisation had a budget of £1.3 billion; and that as one CCG, its boundaries were consistent with those of the County Council.


The Committee was advised that the Lincolnshire CCG's goal was to ensure that everyone living in Lincolnshire had the best possible health and wellbeing they could, and that this would be achieved by working alongside other health care partners. 


The Committee was advised to do this, the vision was to deliver the ambitions identified in the NHS Long Term Plan, working with partners both in local and district councils, partners across the voluntary sector; and the people of Lincolnshire, to improve the quality and experience of services to enable the population of Lincolnshire to live happier and healthy lives; and to reduce the health inequalities that currently existed across the county.


Particular reference was made to the stronger working relationships that existed with partners in Lincolnshire, and that these had become more evident over the last few months.


During discussion, the Committee raised the following points:


·               Support was expressed for the new arrangement of four CCGs into one CCG.  The Committee was advised that the one CCG, with four localities, would recognise the different needs across Lincolnshire and that the differences played a major part when providing services.  It was felt that the current structure put Lincolnshire in the best place to do the best for the people it served.  The Committee also noted that one CCG was in a stronger position representing NHS in Lincolnshire, where previously, this had been more difficult.  The Committee noted further that the Chief Executive had a weekly conversation with the Midlands Regional Director, and that these conversations were constructive, as there was a will for the Lincolnshire NHS to succeed;

·               Budget – How much of the £1.3 billion budget went to Provider Trusts in the county and how much of the budget went out of county.  The Committee was advised that these figures were not to hand.  It was highlighted that lots of residents chose to go out of county for their treatment, and that there was virtually no flow into the county to offset that.  The Committee was reminded that the CCG had a duty to support care where patients wished to receive it.  It was hoped that an Elective Centre of Excellence at Grantham would help encourage residents to remain in Lincolnshire for their care.  The Committee was advised that a request would be made to the Finance Director, to see if the figures requested could be provided for the Committee; and

·               The need for better communication from GP surgeries with the general public.


The Vice-Chairman extended his thanks to the Chief Executive of Lincolnshire CCG for his presentation.




That the formal establishment of the Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group with effect for 1 April 2020 be noted.     

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