Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Review - proposal to incorporate the functions of the anticipated Lincolnshire Integrated Care System Partnership Board

(To receive a report from Councillor Mrs Sue Woolley, Chairman of the Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board and John Turner, Chief Executive, NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group on proposals to incorporate the functions of the anticipated Lincolnshire Integrated Care System Partnership Board with the Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board)



The Chairman introduced this item and advised that the report presented provided the Board with proposals to incorporate the functions of the anticipated Lincolnshire Integrated Care System Partnership Board (ICSPB) with the Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB).  The Chairman highlighted that since the publication of the report, further guidance had been received from NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I) concerning the next steps for Integrating Care Systems, and that as a result, minor amendments would be need to be made to two of the recommendations presented on page 17 of the report to take into account the said guidance.


The Chief Executive of Lincolnshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group presented the report, making reference to the obvious areas of overlap between the role of the HWB and the emerging role of the ICSPB.  The Board was advised that there was no national model for how HWBs and ICSPBs should work together, other than an expectation that local leaders from the health and care system would agree arrangements that responded to needs and requirements of their local area.  The Board was advised further that there was a consensus across the local health and care system for the need to develop an approach that worked for Lincolnshire.


It was reported that the proposed new board would provide an overarching strategic partnership for the health and care system.  The Board would be supported by a series of operational boards that would deal with day to day management and provide assurance to the strategic board.  It was reported that further work was still needed to develop a terms of reference, mode of operation and to agree governance arrangements.


It was highlighted that the approach being taken in Lincolnshire was a bold evolutionary step, which was not actively being considered elsewhere in the country.  As such, it put Lincolnshire in the vanguard of thinking and offered a potential model for other areas to replicate.  Details relating to the advantages of the approach were shown on pages 18 and 19 of the report.


The Board noted that as the guidance from NHSE/I was still being considered it was felt that at this stage the Board would only be able to support the proposed alignment, and consider the membership as detailed in section 1.3 of the report.  It was agreed that a copy of the new guidance document would be forwarded on to all members of the Board.


During discussion, the Board raised the following points:


·       Confirmation of the implementation date for the ICSPB.  The Board was advised that a ICSPB needed to be in place for 1 April 2021;

·       Membership as detailed at section 1.3.  Confirmation was given that as a result of the new guidance, no agreement would be taken relating to membership.  The Board noted that further work would be done to draft the proposed Terms of Reference for the integrated working arrangements; and that an Extra-ordinary meeting of the Board would be arranged for the start of February 2021, to allow for further discussions, prior to Board's March meeting;

·       Involvement of the voluntary sector – The Board noted that involvement of the voluntary sector would be considered; and

·       Support was extended to the proposed integrated working.


The Chairman advised that as a result of the recent publication of the next steps guidance on Integrated Care Systems issued by the NHSE/I, it was proposed to amend recommendations (b) and (d) as shown on page 17 of the report.


It was proposed and seconded to amend (b) to:


(b) to; 'Confirm it supports the proposal to align the functions of the anticipated ICSPB with the HWB.'


And; (d) to: 'Consider and comment on the proposed membership set out in Section 1.3'.




a.    That the report presented be noted.


b.    That support be given to the proposal to align the functions of the anticipated ICSPB with the HWB.


c.     That officers develop revised terms of reference and for these to be presented to the Board meeting in March.


d.    That the comments raised by the Board on the proposed membership be taken into consideration.

Supporting documents:



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