Agenda item

Covid-19 Update

(To consider an update report from Michelle Andrews, Assistant Director Corporate Recovery, on Covid-19)


Consideration was given to an update report from the Assistant Director –   Corporate Recovery, on Covid-19. The report provided an overview of the work by the Local Resilience Forum (LRF), partners and Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) to manage Lincolnshire's response to the Covid-19 pandemic since the last report presented to the Board on the 17th December 2020.


As reported in the paper to the Board on the 17th December, from the 2nd December  2020 Lincolnshire had been placed in Tier 3 following the end of the national lockdown during November. The Covid-19 Winter Plan arrangements set out how the Government intended to allow the mixing of households in England for the Christmas period from the 23rd December to 27th December 2020; these were known as "Christmas Bubbles". However, due to the rising number of cases across the country and the identification of a new variant of the virus, these arrangements were revoked and replaced with new arrangements that were announced on the 19th December. The new arrangements allowed the mixing of two households for Christmas Day only, with no overnight stays unless these were part of a support bubble. In addition, people were advised to only travel from home to a place which was accessible for a return trip during that 24 hour period. Following this, the existing Tier system was enforced once again and would remain in place until the next review period on the 30th December 2020. As of the 30th December, Tier 4 restrictions were announced with many parts of the country including Lincolnshire placed in this Tier from midnight that day. This had placed even greater restrictions on residents; this was in response to the rate of infections increasing at a national level. As the New Year began, there were rising calls for schools to return to online learning from the start of term. Although schools reopened on the 4th January 2021, in line with Government advice, as of the 5th January it was confirmed that schools would close to all children except for those of key workers and those children who were vulnerable. On the 6th January a further period of national lockdown began in England which was expected to remain in place until at least mid-February.


The report highlighted the key data as of 24 January in relation to tests carried out, details of the testing programme, the number of cases, deaths and vaccinations carried out (by age group) and the public health measures introduced to mitigate the transmission of Covid-19.


Lincolnshire had commenced its vaccination programme from the 8th December 2020 with the priority groups as advised by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) as follows:- Over 80 year olds; Health and care staff; those who were clinically extremely vulnerable and those between the ages of 70-79 years. A report to the Board in February would be able to give further details of the progress to the targets set.


Members discussed the report, and during the discussion the following points were noted:


·         For comparative purposes it would be helpful if future reports included the figures for the number of vaccinations achieved by target category. It was reported that as at the date of the report there were around 48,000 people over 80 years of age in the County, of which approximately 52% had been vaccinated. There had been no significant resistance to the take up of the vaccinations to date; however some people may not have taken up their appointment due to illness. It was noted that appointments and re appointments were being made by telephone for the Primary Care Network sites.

·         It was also requested that the next report include, for comparative purposes, the statistics contained in the previous reports.

·         There had been very few problems to date associated with the delivery of vaccines to the County. However, there could be, according to reports, some issues nationally in the near future.

·         The Chief Executive recorded her thanks to the health and care services workers and reported that to date 78% of County Council front line health and care staff had been offered a vaccine and this number was expected to increase to 100% by the end of the month which was a fantastic achievement by all those involved.

·         The Board expressed its thanks and appreciation to all County Council staff and health workers for their dedication and hard work during the current pandemic.

·         There was anecdotal evidence that some people had been vaccinated who were not in the priority categories and therefore not due to receive it. It was reported that the NHS undertook 'opportunistic vaccinations' rather than throw any out. The aim was for the priority groups to be vaccinated first. Officers would investigate for inclusion in the next report if there were any selection criteria for 'opportunistic vaccinations'.

·         Subject to vaccination availability, there was confidence in the capacity to deliver the vaccine to target.

·         The location, number, and expansion of testing sites were a fast changing picture. In addition to the sites in Lincoln and Boston, and as part of the funding agreement, setting up a site in Sleaford was being looked into which would be for staff. Conversations were underway with the District Councils to consider extending testing programmes in their areas.

·         Data on the numbers not attending appointments for a vaccination by District were expected from the Department of Health in the future.

·         Officers undertook to investigate concerns from a member on the relatively low numbers vaccinated in the Skegness area, reports of difficulties in getting vaccination appointments via the 119 telephone number and the need for consistent and up to date Facebook messaging.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


(Councillor S P Roe gave his apologies for the remainder of the meeting)

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