Agenda item

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Covid-19 Update

(To receive a report from United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT), which provides the Committee with an update on Covid-19.   Andrew Morgan, Chief Executive of ULHT and Simon Evans, Chief Operating Officer, ULHT will be in attendance for this item)


The Committee gave consideration to a report from United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT), which provided a Covid-19 update.


The Chairman invited Andrew Morgan, Chief Executive of ULHT and Simon Evans, Chief Operating Officer, ULHT, to present the report to the Committee.


Attached as Appendix A to the report was a copy of a report to United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Board of Directors (2 February 2021) from their Chief Executive for the Committee to consider.


The Committee was advised that since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, nearly a year ago, the Trust had dealt with 2,754 Covid-19 positive in-patients, and as of 16 February 2021, 1,874 in-patients had been discharged home and 748 patients had died. 


It was reported that currently, the NHS was continuing to operate at level 4 and was governed by national direction.


The Committee noted that currently the Trust was looking after 85 Covid-19 positive in-patients, 56 in-patients at Lincoln County Hospital and 29 in-patients at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston. 


The Committee noted further that the number of Covid-19 positive in-patients was starting to decline; and that the Trust was also seeing staff absences reducing from 14% to 7%, which was an improving positive position for the Trust.


It was highlighted that hospitals remained busy, with bed occupancy levels at 90%.  The Committee noted that the Trust had to ensure that Covid-19 positive in-patients were kept separate from non Covid-19 in-patients and as a result some beds had to be kept vacant, this then had an impact on bed occupancy figures.  It was reported that intensive care had been very busy and that a rise in activity had been mirrored across the country.  As a result of the increase in activity, staff had been moved around hospital sites to support intensive care units (ICUs), which was then having an effect on other hospital services.


The Committee noted that the Trust was making progress with recruitment; and had been successful in making job offers to over 200 health care support workers and over 200 overseas recruits.  Details of the measures in place to keep staff safe and well was shown on pages 39 and 40 of the report pack.


During discussion, the Committee raised the following comments:


·       A question was asked whether Lincolnshire had experienced any issues procuring PPE in Lincolnshire, with particular reference to fraudulent suppliers.  The Committee was advised that there had not been any problems in Lincolnshire in this regard;

·       The Committee extended their thanks to all NHS staff for their hard work;

·       Clarification was sought as to when the Acute Services Review would be finalised.  The Committee was advised that the Trust was just about to submit a revised pre-consultation business case to NHS England/Improvement, and that there was no confirmed date for its consideration;

·       The effectiveness of the Winter Plan model – The Committee was advised that the Winter Plan had worked; but there had been significant  pressures as a result of the increase in Covid-19 inpatients; which had impacted on other services;

·       Bed Occupancy - The Committee was advised that workforce safety was paramount, and that the Trust was not able to increase staffing levels to meet capacity; as a result, help had been sort from other services to help meet demand. It was highlighted that empty wards had been created to enable deep clean operations. Bed occupancy figures at this time were misleading as some beds were empty to protect non Covid-19 in-patients from Covid-19;

·       Financial position – Page 41 of the report provided the Committee with details of the financial headlines.  The Committee noted that the Trust still had the £80m deficit;

·       The need for better communication with the general public regarding changes to services;

·       The potential of a third wave.  It was reported that the Trust was not seeing evidence of a third wave, and at the moment there was a slow reduction in the number of Covid-19 positive in-patients;

·       One member extended personal thanks to NHS and EMAS staff for their excellent service;

·       The poor condition of hospital car parks.  The Committee noted that deteriorating car parks was an issue for the Trust; and that during Covid-19 other matters had been prioritised.  It was noted further that there was an investment proposal; and that work to repair potholes would be commencing in the next couple of months; and that more substantial investment was planned in the future;

·       How was staff moral – It was noted that staff morale at the moment was mixed, but the Trust was doing all it could to help its staff get through a very challenging year.  Page 40 of the report provided details of the extensive wellbeing offer available to staff; and 

·       The percentage of ULHT staff that had been vaccinated – The Committee noted that just under 90% of Trust staff had been vaccinated against Covid-19.




1.    That thanks be extended to all staff at United Lincolnshire Hospitals   NHS Trust for their efforts in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


2.    That the update from United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust as part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic be noted.


3.    That a further Covid-19 Update be received at the June 2021 meeting.

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