Agenda item

Covid-19 Update

(To consider an update report from Michelle Andrews, Assistant Director Corporate Recovery, on Covid-19)


Consideration was given to an update report from the Assistant Director –   Corporate Recovery, on Covid-19. The report provided an overview of the work by the Local Resilience Forum (LRF), partners and Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) to manage Lincolnshire's response to the Covid-19 pandemic since the last report presented to the Board on the 28 January 2021.


The report highlighted the key data as of 22 February in relation to tests carried out, details of the testing programme, the number of cases, deaths and vaccinations carried out (by age group) and the public health measures introduced to mitigate the transmission of Covid-19. The report


Reference was given to the key milestone dates announced on 22 February by the Government for its road map out of lockdown as follows:-


March 8

              All schools return

              Allowed to meet outside with one other outside your household for outdoor recreation

              England care homes can have one named regular visitor provided testing and PPE

              Amend regulation for COVID-secure campaign activities for May elections


March 29

           Outdoor gathering of six people or two households

           Outdoor sports areas can open

           Organised adult and children’s sports return subject to guidance

           Travel outside the local area allowed

           Not legally required to stay at home but work from home where can


April 12

              Non-essential retail opened, hairdressers and public buildings like libraries and museums

              Outdoor settings like alcohol takeaways, beer gardens, zoos and theme parks

              Indoor leisure like swimming pools and gyms

              Self-contained holiday accommodation, such as self-catering and camp sites


May 17

              Rule of six outdoors abolished

              Pubs, bars and restaurants to reopen

              Two households can mix indoors – with the rule of six applied in hospitality settings like pubs

              Cinemas, hotels, performances and sporting events reopen – though social distancing remains

              Up to 10,000 spectators could attend the very largest outdoor seated venues like football stadiums

              Up to 30 people would be able to attend weddings, receptions, funerals and wakes.


June 21

           Remove limits of social contact and weddings

           Night clubs open

           Theatre performances open



              Life broadly back to normality


Members discussed the report, and during the discussion the following points were noted:

·         That reference be included in the next report to the rates of infection in neighbouring Counties compared to Lincolnshire. There was some concern that traffic levels seemed to be high despite the current lockdown.

·         It was welcomed that the report now included a comparison to the previous month's data as requested at the last meeting.

·         There was some concern that the Board would not meet again after the March meeting until June due to the election. It was noted that there would be a scrutiny governance gap and the Board required guidance on how the scrutiny function of the Council would operate during this period. It was confirmed that this would be addressed in the next report to the March Board meeting. 


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


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