Agenda item

Performance Report: Quarter 3 - (1 October 2020 - 31 December 2020)

(To receive a report from Paul Rusted, Head of Highways Services, which invites the Committee to consider and comment on the performance of the Highways Service, including the Major Highway Schemes Update, Lincolnshire Highways Performance Report, the NHT Public Satisfaction Survey Analysis and the Highways and Transport Complaints Report)


The Chairman advised that this item provided an update on the performance of the whole of the highway service in Lincolnshire.


The Chairman invited Paul Rusted, Head of Highways Services, to present the item to the Committee.


Attached to the report were the following Appendices for the Committee's consideration:


·       Appendix A – Major Highway Scheme Update Report, February 2021;

·       Appendix B – Lincolnshire Highways Performance Report, Year 1, Quarter 3 – October to December 2020;

·       Appendix C – NHT Public Satisfaction Survey Analysis; and

·       Appendix D – Highways and Transport Complaint Report, Quarter 3


The Committee was advised that the authority currently had four major highways schemes; and that there were a number of other highway and infrastructure projects which were of a significant scale, which might have a major impact on the county and surrounding area.  Details of these schemes were shown in Appendix A to the report.


Details of the Lincolnshire Highways Performance for Quarter 3 were shown in Appendix B to the report.  It was noted that the Alliance Partners had managed to achieve their targets and details of the results per contract were provided on page 60 of the report.  It was highlighted that for areas where some scores were still low scoring, workshops had been arranged to focus on the areas needing improvement, to improve the scores into the final quarter of the year.


The Committee was advised that in Quarter 3, the Highways Works Contract had dealt with over 10,000 defects; cleaned out 142,148 gullies; and carried out 10,676 miles of rural grass cutting.


It was reported that Balfour Beatty were making progress with delivering their contractual commitments on quality, details of which were shown on pages 61 and 62 of the report.


The Community Maintenance Gangs were continuing to work throughout the county, delivering an additional £3.9million of works during 2020/21 financial year to make improvements throughout communities and the roads that link them.  It was highlighted that over 2,000 jobs had been completed; in addition to 9,695 'Fix My Street" jobs being completed by roaming community gangs.


The Committee noted that overall, the Profession Services Partnership score for 2020 for Quarter 3, was slightly down on Quarter 2.


The Quarter 3 performance for Colas remained static although there had been downward movement in the performance indicator scores.  It was noted that Colas had successfully recruited a new Senior Installer and a new engineer, which would now hopefully lead to a more consistent performance.


Details of the innovations being evaluated were shown on page 64 of the report.


The Committee noted that the council had participated in the NHT Public Satisfaction Survey.  It was report that for Lincolnshire in 2020, 3,300 questionnaires had been circulated and of those 871 had been returned, which had given a return rate of 26.4%.  The results received had been disappointing, given the amount of activity that had been undertaken.  Details of the results were provided for the Committee to consider at Appendix C to the report.


In conclusion, the Committee was advised that the Lincolnshire Highway's Service had successfully mobilised the three new Highways 2020 contracts during a global pandemic, and although there had been an impact on performance the four partners had worked hard to minimise it.  It was also highlighted that delivery of all major schemes had been good despite the impact of Covid-19 and recent weather events.


During consideration of this item the Committee raised the following comments: a request was made for contractors to provide help in the community by cleaning signage outside the Lincoln County Hospital; and one member highlighted issues they had encountered trying to upload photographs on to 'Fix My Street'.


The Committee extended their thanks to the Head of Highways Services and the team for all their hard work through a very challenging year.




That the Performance Report for Quarter 3 (1 October 0202 – 31 December 2020) be received and noted.    

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