Agenda item

Strategic Priorities for 16-19 (25) Education and Training for 2014/15

(To receive a report from Maggie Freeman, Head of Service 14-19, which invites the Committee to consider a report on the Strategic Priorities for 16-19 (25) education and training for 2014/15 and decide whether it supports the recommendations to the Executive as set out)


Keith Batty, Assistant Director of CfBT Education Services, introduced the report, which asked the Committee to consider a report on the Strategic Priorities for 16-19(25) education and training for 2014/15, based on the strategic analysis carried out during the summer months.


During consideration of the report, the following points were noted:-


·         Staff members continued to work closely with providers in order to provide careers advice and guidance and had been successful in encouraging collaboration.  It was acknowledged that the degree of collaboration needed to guarantee the provision had not yet been reached.

·         The careers services provided by CfBT was impartial and currently bought in by 39 schools, most of whom were working towards a Quality Assurance award to assure governing bodies that they were providing independent support.


At 11.30am, Councillor Mrs C A Talbot left the meeting and did not return.


·         Any pupil who did not achieve A*-C grading in English and Maths GCSE must complete this in post 16 education as well as their chosen course.  Should any pupil drop out, the school or college would not retain the funding.

·         The basis of the strategy was to ensure that Further Education Colleges and other partners had the relevant specialisms to support all pupils, LCC promoted collaborative partnerships.

·         Transport issues remained a concern with availability and access in a rural county continuing to be a significant challenge.  It was anticipated that funding into Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) in Lincolnshire may be an opportunity to explore other modes of transport and access.

·         Although the report was clear in providing an overview of the issues, Members felt that an action plan to resolve these issues was missing.  An action plan from the scrutiny review had previously been considered and was scheduled, on the Work Programme, to be presented at the meeting in April 2014.




1.      That the report be noted;

2.      That the following comments of the Committee be noted:-

a.    Concerns about the impact of transport policy and costs on young people's choices was raised. It was highlighted that student finances do impact on the use of transport for travelling to post-16 learning or training, such as the high cost of car insurance preventing young people getting to apprenticeships. The Committee was advised that participation remained good but availability and access in rural areas was a challenge. The Committee was informed that the Greater Lincolnshire LEP would be receiving significant additional funding for Lincolnshire and it was planning to look at how to support other modes of transport to improve access.

b.    Concerns over the viability of some school sixth forms and the financial pressures faced by schools were highlighted. The Committee agreed that schools should be encouraged to collaborate together wherever possible but questioned how this would be achieved.

c.    The Committee requested that an action plan be compiled setting out how each priority would be achieved. It was highlighted to the Committee that the priorities were the Council's public statement regarding what needs to be secured for post-16 education and training, and the providers' action plans would be set out how these priorities would be achieved. However, the Council has its own actions in relation to the priorities and officers agreed to bring these back to the Committee.

d.    The Committee also requested that future annual reports on Strategic Priorities for 16 – 19 (25) Education and Training be brought to the Committee in draft form for discussion and comment before the final version for the Executive's decision is brought to the Committee in September.


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